Bank File Format

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Openbravo allows to import a bank statement file on an organization's financial account if a bank file format is confgured for the organization.

Openbravo delivers some modules which once installed allow to import bank statement files into Openbravo in different formats:

Once a bank statement file is imported on an organization's financial account:

  • the overall information such as the file name and the import date are saved in the Imported Bank Statements tab of the financial account
  • and the content of the bank statement file is saved line by line in the corresponding Bank Statement Lines tab.

Bank File Format

The bank file format window lists the bank file format modules installed for an organization.

Bank File Format.png

As shown in the image above a bank file format can be applied to the organization (*) in the Enterprise Module Management window after being installed,
therefore it is available for any organization of the client.


Exceptions can be added to a bank file import format therefore are not taken by the import process.

It is possible to define the text to exclude while matching transactions and bank statement lines on a given financial account or in all of them.

Full list of Bank File Format window fields and their descriptions is available in the Bank File Format Screen Reference.

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