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Bulbgraph.png   This document refers to the appliances 12.04, 14.04 and 18.04.

Connect to the database


Connect by ssh with openbravo user and then you can connect to the database with:

psql -h localhost -U tad openbravo

Default password: tad

pgadmin with ssh tunnel

ssh tunnel in linux

Connect by ssh doing a tunnel from your local port 5433 of the server port 5432

ssh openbravo@<IP_ADDRESS> -L 5433:localhost:5432

Then in your local pgadmin in host set localhost and port 5433

ssh tunnel in windows

PuTTY is an open source and free SSH client.

Use PuTTY to connect to PostgreSQL:

  1. Select Session'.
  2. In the Host Name' box, enter IP Address of the Openbravo Appliance.
  3. Select Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels.
  4. In the Source port field, enter 5433.
  5. In the Destination field, enter localhost:5432.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Open to open the ssh connection.
  8. Type openbravo as user name and your password, then leave this Putty window opened.

pgAdmin connection setup

Now you can start psql, pgAdmin or your favorite client and use localhost as the host and 5433 as the port in the connection details.

The database name is openbravo, the username tad and the password tad.


Check that you are logged in with the openbravo user and in the /opt/OpenbravoERP folder.

You can check the current username with:


You can check the folder in which you are with:


Then you can compile. For example:

ant smartbuild
Bulbgraph.png   Do not use sudo or the root user for compilation. Use the openbravo user.


The logfiles of openbravo are in the /var/log/openbravo folder.

The application logfiles:


The PostgreSQL logfile

/var/log/openbravo/postgresql-9.1-main.log  # Appliance 12.04
/var/log/openbravo/postgresql-9.3-main.log  # Appliance 14.04
/var/log/openbravo/postgresql-10-main.log   # Appliance 18.04

And the log of the periodic/automatic backups


Customizing parameters

Customizing Tomcat parameters

The configuration for Tomcat is in


If you need to set more ram to tomcat take a look to the memory recommendations.

Customizing PostgreSQL parameters

The configuration for PostgreSQL is:

/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/  # Appliance 12.04
/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/  # Appliance 14.04
/etc/postgresql/10/main/   # Appliance 18.04
Bulbgraph.png   The new Appliance 18.04 has the main config postgresql.conf split to several files

The appliance will contain now 2 files prepared:

/etc/postgresql/10/main/conf.d/01-openbravo-standard-postgres10.conf  # Do NOT edit this
/etc/postgresql/10/main/conf.d/91-local-custom.conf                   # Put your changes here 

Goals behind this are:

  • Splitting the configuration of a server into:
    • Openbravo Standard configuration
    • Custom local changes done in a particular server
  • Allowing to centrally manage some config files in advanced scenarios (i.e. Openbravo Cloud)

In practice that means instead of editing main/postgresql.conf you want to typically edit conf.d/91-local-custom.conf

Bulbgraph.png   When working with big volume databases, it may be a good idea to increase the memory assigned to postgres.

Customizing Ant parameters

The default options should be fine for most cases, but if you need to adjust them they are in


Restart services

Restart Tomcat

To restart Tomcat

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat restart

Restart PostgreSQL

Usually it is only needed to restart PostgreSQL manually when you want to apply some new configuration values.

Before restarting PostgreSQL, close all connections to postgres (openbravo, pgadmin, etc), i.e:

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat stop
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat start