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=== Client ===
=== Client ===
# Initial client setup
# Initial client setup
# create new organization type
# create new organization type (optional, required when you need organization that represent as a business unit)
* (optional, required when you need organization that represent as a business unit)
# initial organization setup for group company
# initial organization setup for group company
# initial organization setup for legal entity (COA included)
# initial organization setup for legal entity (COA included)

Revision as of 20:36, 25 June 2024

This is simple step how to configure InfiniteERP or Openbravo ERP in general.

Initial Setup


  1. Initial client setup
  2. create new organization type (optional, required when you need organization that represent as a business unit)
  3. initial organization setup for group company
  4. initial organization setup for legal entity (COA included)
  5. initial organization setup for company branch
  6. create fiscal calendar for each legal entity
  7. create fiscal year for each created fiscal calendar
  8. generate period for each fiscal year
  9. apply fiscal calendar on legal entity organization
  10. set as ready on group company organization (thick cascade checkbox)


  1. Create a role, pay more attention to manual field
  2. Create record on organization access tab, window access tab, process definition tab, and other tab as required


  1. Create new user
  2. Assign user role to created user account

Financial Account

  1. make sure all COA for bank account already exists
  2. make sure all COA for bank in transit (temporary account) already exists
  3. create a new payment method
  4. create a financial account (header)
  5. assign payment method to financial account (financial account || payment method)
  6. verify accounting configuration for this financial account

Master Data


  1. Make sure all COA for taxation already exists
  2. Make a new tax category
  3. Make a new business partner tax category
  4. Make a new tax rate, pay attention to field below: tax category, country, and business partner tax category.
  5. Verify accounting configuration for this tax rate


  1. pastikan COA expense sudah lengkap
  2. pastikan COA revenues sudah lengkap
  3. pastikan COA CoGS sudah lengkap
  4. pastikan COA persediaan sudah lengkap
  5. pastikan COA selisih harga pembelian sudah lengkap
  6. buat master product category
  7. pastikan seting akuntansi pada product category sudah tepat
  8. buat master produk, hati-hati pada field tax category dan product category

Business Partner

  1. buat payment term
  2. pastikan COA hutang sudah lengkap
  3. pastikan COA piutang sudah lengkap
  4. pastikan COA barang diterima dimuka sudah lengkap
  5. buat master business partner category
  6. buat master business partner
  7. pada sub tab location/address isikan alamat business partner
  8. pada sub tab customer (jika ini adalah BP customer), isikan default payment term dan payment method
  9. pada sub tab vendor (jika ini adalah BP vendor), isikan default payment term dan payment method


  1. pastikan COA penyesuaian persediaan sudah lengkap
  2. buat warehouse
  3. buat storage bin
  4. registrasi warehouse pada window organization sub tab warehouse
  5. buat costing rule
  6. click validate pada costing rule

Transaksi Pembelian (Requisition –> Purchase Order –> Goods Receipt –> Purchase Invoice –> Payment Out)

  1. buat requisition (optional)
  2. complete requisition (wajib jika requisition digunakan)
  3. konversi requisition menjadi PO melalui form requisition to order (wajib jika requisition digunakan)
  4. buat PO (optional, namun jika pakai requisition, maka PO otomatis terbentuk dari requisition to order form)
  5. complete PO (wajib jika PO digunakan, namun PO otomatis complete jika via requisition to order form jika requisition digunakan)
  6. buat goods receipt, create lines from, pilih dari PO (wajib jika PO berisi stocked product)
  7. complete goods receipt (wajib jika goods receipt digunakan)
  8. terbentuk jurnal otomatis untuk pengakuan persediaan
  9. buat purchase invoice, create lines form, pilih dari GR (wajib jika goods receipt digunakan, harus buat lines manual jika purchase invoice berdiri sendiri – tidak berdasar PO/GR)
  10. complete purchase invoice (wajib)
  11. terbentuk jurnal otomatis untuk pengakuan hutang
  12. terbentuk dokumen matched invoice (jika ada link dari PI ke GR)
  13. terbentuk jurnal otomatis untuk menyesuaikan selisih harga dan membalik barang diterima dimuka (ada jika terbentuk matched invoice)
  14. buat payment out, tarik purchase invoice yang akan dibayar
  15. terbentuk dokumen finalcial account || transaction secara otomatis
  16. terbentuk jurnal yang menutup hutang dan mengurangi kas secara otomatis (berdasarkan financial account || transaction)

Transaksi Penjualan (Sales Order –> Goods Shipment –> Sales Invoice –> Payment In)

  1. buat sales order (optional)
  2. complete sales order (wajib jika SO digunakan)
  3. buat goods shipment, create lines from, pilih dari SO (wajib jika SO berisi stocked product)
  4. complete goods shipment (wajib jika goods shipment digunakan)
  5. terbentuk jurnal otomatis untuk pengakuan CoGS
  6. buat sales invoice, create lines form, pilih dari GS (wajib jika goods shipment digunakan, harus buat lines manual jika sales invoice berdiri sendiri – tidak berdasar SO/GS)
  7. complete sales invoice (wajib)
  8. terbentuk jurnal otomatis untuk pengakuan pendapatan
  9. buat payment in, tarik sales invoice yang diterima pelunasannya
  10. terbentuk dokumen finalcial account || transaction secara otomatis
  11. terbentuk jurnal yang menutup piutang dan menambah kas secara otomatis (berdasarkan financial account || transaction)

Stock Opname

  1. pastikan table physical inventory di window general ledger configuration sub tab active table, sudah ada.
  2. buat physical inventory
  3. buat physical inventory list
  4. lakukan perhitungan fisik dan catat hasilnya di field quantity count
  5. complete physical inventory, saldo persediaan akan diupdate sesuai dengan quantity count
  6. terbentuk jurnal penyesuaian persediaan pada persedian secara otomatis

Rekonsiliasi Bank

  1. buka window financial account
  2. klik button reconcile
  3. masukkan tanggal rekonsiliasi
  4. masukkan saldo akhir bank per taggal rekonsiliasi
  5. centang transaksi bank yang sudah tertera di bank statement
  6. jika sisa sudah nol, maka klik reconcile
  7. jika tidak, klik tombol save.
  8. buat transaksi bank untuk pending transaction berdasar bank statement
  9. ulangi langkah 2 tapi lewati langkah 3 dan 4 sehingga langsung ke langkah 5
  10. transaksi bank (financial account transaction) akan hilang dan pindah ke sub tab tab reconciliation