Purchase Order

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Purchase Order window allows the procurement team to create and manage orders which once booked will be sent to the external suppliers. In other words, it is a document to register products and/or services to be purchased and documented against what conditions. Once the document is booked, it can be sent to the external supplier by mail or email and it can be prepaid if required.

Normally the "procurement" role is in charge of managing this stage of the chain which usually comes after "Requisition" creation and management. However that's not always true, Purchase orders can also be created from the scratch without the need of a previously created purchase requisition.

Starting from here, you will learn how to create and manage "Purchase Orders" in Openbravo.


Purchase orders can be created and booked in the header section of the purchase order window. Purchase order header allows you to enter below information:

  • Transaction Document, which in this case is defaulted as "Purchase Order".
  • Document No, or the Company purchase order number.
  • Order Date. This date is also defaulted by Openbravo based on the system date, but it can always be changed.
  • Business Partner. End-user needs to select the supplier to which the purchase order is being issued.
  • Partner Address. Automatically populated once the business partner is selected based on the address or location set us "Ship to Address".
  • Warehouse. Regardless it is defaulted by Openbravo based on the "Profile" selected options, it must be verified by the end-user.
  • Scheduled Delivery Date. This is the date when the organization or legal entity requires the items to be delivered.
  • Payment Method, Payment Terms and Price List. These ones are defaulted by Openbravo once a business partner is selected.
  • Order Reference, free text which can be found under "More Information" section, you can use to save the supplier order number, if any.


Once the purchase order header has been properly filled in and saved, each purchase order line can be created in this tab.

Line Tax

For each purchase order line, Openbravo automatically populates the line tax related information in this tab.

Prereserved Qty

Relation of Reservations where the Purchase Order line has been used as prereservation.

Basic Discounts

Lists information about discounts automatically applied based on the supplier configuration and / or manually entered for the purchase order.


Summarized purchase order tax related information is shown in this tab.

Payment Plan

Shows the total amount expected to be paid upon order booking as well as the amount/s pre-paid or paid against the invoice/s for the order.

Payment Details

Displays the details of the payments (pre-payments or regular payments) made for the order or for the invoice/s of the order.

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