POS (Point Of Sales)

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Revision as of 09:30, 12 August 2022 by Asp-agus (talk | contribs) (2. SO tidak terbentuk)
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InfiniteERP memiliki aplikasi POS yang digunakan untuk beberapa klien industri retail.

Client Specific

Fitur POS

Promo Reguler

Promo yang tidak bersyarat

Promo Tebus Murah




Dokumentasi setiap masalah, bug fixed dan problem yang ditemukan selama maintenance support

Berikut beberapa problem ditemukan dan cara menyelesaikan pada link ini POS Troubleshooting How-To

Sales Order Tidak Balance

Total Penjualan di Local Pos tidak sama dengan hasil kalkulasi struk di server:

1. Struk dari Local tidak Masuk Ke Server

1. Cari struk yang belum masuk ke web di menu Loss Bill atau cek manual di menu bill today

2. sync manual bill yg tidak masuk dari PC local toko

  query : update pos_dsales set issync=false where billno like 'BILL YANG TIDAK MASUK'

2. Struk dari local double di server

Cek di menu Fail Bill, Delete Struk yg Double

3. SO tidak terbentuk

1. cek document so di table pos_dsalessum dan pos_dsalesorder 2. jika document so tidak ditemukan di pos_dsalesorder

  jalankan query : SELECT public.proc_pos_dsalesorder_manual_insert('CODE CLIENT','CODE ORG','06-Aug-22','ASP');

3. cek lagi di table pos_dsalesorder 4. jika tidak ada di pos_dsalesorder, cek data struk di table pos_dsalesbilltoday, jika tidak ada pindahkan sementara data dari table pos_dsalesbill ke pos_dsalesbilltoday

  query : select * from pos_dsalesorder where documentno like 'BOS88-CASH-2022-08-06';
          select * from pos_dsalessum where documentno like 'BOS88-CASH-2022-08-06';
         INSERT INTO public.pos_dbilltoday
         (isactived, insertdate, insertby, postby, postdate, ad_org_id, billno, billamount, paymentmethodname, membercard, cardno, approvecode, edcno, serialno, billstatus, paycashgiven, pos_mbank_key, pos_dcashierbalance_key, 
          paygiven, printcount, bankname, pos_medc_key, billcode, point)
        SELECT isactived, insertdate, insertby, postby, postdate, ad_org_id, billno, billamount, paymentmethodname, membercard, cardno, approvecode, edcno, serialno, billstatus, paycashgiven, pos_mbank_key, 
        pos_dcashierbalance_key, paygiven, printcount, bankname, pos_medc_key, billcode, point
       FROM public.pos_dbill
      where billno like 'BOS88-060822S%' and paymentmethodname like 'CASH'
      --delete from pos_dbilltoday where billno like 'BOS88-060822S%' and paymentmethodname like 'CASH';
     INSERT INTO public.pos_dbilllinetoday
    (isactived, insertdate, insertby, postby, postdate, billno, seqno, sku, qty, price, discount, amount, ad_org_id, discountname)
    SELECT isactived, insertdate, insertby, postby, postdate, billno, seqno, sku, qty, price, discount, amount, ad_org_id, discountname
    FROM public.pos_dbillline
   where billno in (select billno from pos_dbill where billno like 'BOS88-060822S%' and paymentmethodname like 'CASH');
   --delete from pos_dbilllinetoday
   --where billno in (select billno from pos_dbill where billno like 'BOS88-060822S%' and paymentmethodname like 'CASH');
   SELECT public.proc_pos_dsalesorder_manual_insert('D089DFFA729F4A22816BD8838AB0813C','AD05B790FB144FDA9704320962710058','06-Aug-22','ASP');
