ERP/2.50/Openbravo ERP Installation
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This article describes the installation procedure for Openbravo 2.50.
In this release, you can install Openbravo following 4 different approaches:
- Community Appliance (recommended): you can download and install a fully configured appliance that runs in your preferred virtualization environment. The appliance includes both Openbravo as well as its underlaying technology stack and allows you to get started with Openbravo in just a few minutes and with only a few clicks.
- Ubuntu Installation (recommended): Openbravo is included in the Ubuntu partner repository, so that you can add the software quickly and easily to your Ubuntu server.
- Amazon EC2 Instance (recommended): We have an EC2 AMI so you can just start a new instance of this AMI and have OB up and running in a matter of minutes.
- Custom installation (experts only): a custom installation gives you full control over your deployment environment and allows you to choose your preferred configuration for the technology stack. However, it requires you to install and configure all components of the technology stack as well as compiling Openbravo from sources.
Openbravo is licensed under the Openbravo Public License Version 1.1:
The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
The Original Code is (C) Openbravo. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU. All portions are Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Openbravo SLU. All Rights Reserved.
Community Appliance
You can download and install a fully configured appliance that runs in your preferred virtualization environment. The appliance includes both Openbravo as well as its underlaying technology stack and allows you to get started with Openbravo in just a few minutes and with only a few clicks. Install now Openbravo #version# Community Appliance!
Ubuntu Installation
Openbravo is included in the Ubuntu partner repository, so that you can add the software quickly and easily to your Ubuntu server. Install now Openbravo #version# on Ubuntu!
Amazon EC2 Image
Openbravo has an EC2 AMI so you can just start a new instance of this AMI and have OB up and running in a matter of minutes. Install now Openbravo #version# Amazon EC2 Instance!
Custom Installation
A custom installation gives you full control over your deployment environment and allows you to choose your preferred configuration for the technology stack. However, it requires you to install and configure all components of the technology stack as well as compiling Openbravo from sources. Install now Openbravo #version# fully customized!
Using Openbravo
Have a look at the Openbravo 2.50 User Manual for extended information about Openbravo usage.
For the Openbravo 3 usage please follow Openbravo 3.0 User Guide.
Login into Openbravo
- Open your chosen web browser.
- In the address bar, type the context URL. The context URL takes the form:
- http://hostname:port/context_name
- For example:
- http://localhost:8080/openbravo
- The Login screen appears:
- In the Username box, type the default username Openbravo.
- In the Password box, type the defalt password openbravo.
- Click Login. Openbravo starts.
Login troubleshooting: If the error page HTTP Status 404 - File not found appears instead of the Login page, it means that there is a problem with the context URL. Check that the your_context_name directory has been created inside the Apache Tomcat webapps directory. |
Note: the first time you log into Openbravo, the system logs you on using the System Administrator role, so you can only see administration tasks on the Application menu. If you try to access business options (for example Business partners, products and sales and procurement orders) the message AccessTableNoView will display instead. To access business options, you must change your role to an Admin role, such as BigBazaar Adminor Openbravo Admin.
- Click the Openbravo link in the upper left hand corner of the window. The User Options window appears.
- File:ChangeRole1.png
- From the Role Information menu, select an Admin role (Openbravo Admin or BigBazaar Admin).
- To set the Admin role as default, select the Set as default checkbox.
Configuring Openbravo
After Openbravo is properly installed and running, you can customize it to suit your country or region.
Have a look at the Openbravo 2.50 Configuration Manual for extended information about Openbravo configuration.
Installing a translation
Openbravo supports different languages. To translate the application into your language, download a translation.
Configuring the default date and time formats
To change the default Openbravo date format launch the setup tool inside the config/setup-tool directory.
Once all the changes are done, recompile and deploy Openbravo:
<source lang="bash">ant compile.complete.deploy </source>
Configuring the default numbering format
You can modify the way numbers are displayed in reports for example whether , or . is used as the decimal point.
- In the directory where Openbravo is installed, navigate to the config folder.
- Using a text editor edit the Format.xml file.
- Modify the default numbering formats as required.
- Save the Format.xml file
- Restart the Tomcat service.
Upgrading from previous versions
An upgrade path is available from the 2.40 series to 2.50.
Upgrading to the latest maintenance pack
There are two possible ways of doing it: online and offline, depending if the server has an Internet connection or not.
Note: If you are upgrading from Openbravo 2.50MP2 or earlier, you first need to upgrade to MP3 using the Offline method, to then be able to upgrade to the latest version. Starting from 2.50MP3 updates can be applied cumulatively. For example, this means that you can update from 2.50MP3 to #version# in a single step. |
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Community Appliance users who want to upgrade their appliance should first increase the system RAM memory to 1024MB at least. Prior it follow these instructions to activate your Openbravo instance. |
To update from 2.50 to the latest 2.50 maintenance pack (e.g. #version#) go to the Module Management Console inside Openbravo, click on Scan for updates and apply the Core update.
Note that this method works starting from 2.50MP6.
If the server doesn't have a Internet connection available and you want to update from 2.50 to the latest 2.50 maintenance pack (e.g. #version#) download the Core OBX module from Partner Restricted Area and apply it using the Module Management Console inside Openbravo.
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Starting from 2.50MP10 the OBX files are exclusive for Professional Subscribers and they're available in the Partner Restricted Area. The 2.50MP9 version is the last Community OBX, which can be obtained from its release notes page. |
Other resources and links
Additional useful tips related to rebuilding the system when installing or upgrading modules or upgrading Openbravo Core could be found here.
Openbravo FAQ
Openbravo's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
For any question or doubt regarding Openbravo installation, post them in Openbravo Help forum or join #openbravo IRC channel in Freenode.
Openbravo User Manual
Have a look at the Openbravo 2.50 User Manual for extended information about Openbravo usage.
Openbravo Configuration Manual
Have a look at the Openbravo 2.50 Configuration Manual for extended information about Openbravo configuration.
Openbravo Developer's Guide
Have a look at the Openbravo 2.50 Developer's Guide for extended information about Openbravo development.