ERP/3.0/Developers Guide/Database Model/ PInstance Para
- 1 AD_PInstance_Para
- 1.1 Columns
- 1.1.1 AD_PInstance_Para_ID
- 1.1.2 Active
- 1.1.3 Client
- 1.1.5 Created By
- 1.1.6 Creation Date
- 1.1.7 Info To
- 1.1.8 Organization
- 1.1.9 P_String
- 1.1.10 P_String_To
- 1.1.11 Parameter Name
- 1.1.12 Process Date
- 1.1.13 Process Date To
- 1.1.14 Process Instance
- 1.1.15 Process Number
- 1.1.16 Process Number To
- 1.1.17 Sequence Number
- 1.1.18 Updated
- 1.1.19 Updated By
- 1.2 Other Info
- 1.1 Columns
- Name:AD_PInstance_Para
- Classname:ADParameter
This table contains the following columns:
Name | Nullable | Data Type | Description
AD_PInstance_Para_ID | No | VARCHAR (32) | |
IsActive | Yes | CHAR (1) | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reporting. There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records:
(1) The system requires the record for auditing purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are existing invoices for it. By de-activating the Business Partner you prevent it from being used in future transactions. |
AD_Client_ID | Yes | VARCHAR (32) | A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. |
Info | Yes | NVARCHAR (60) | The Information displays data from the source document line. |
CreatedBy | Yes | VARCHAR (32) | The Created By field indicates the user who created this record. |
Created | Yes | TIMESTAMP (7) | The Created field indicates the date that this record was created. |
Info_To | Yes | NVARCHAR (60) | The Information displays data from the source document line. |
AD_Org_ID | Yes | VARCHAR (32) | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. |
P_String | Yes | NVARCHAR (60) | String passed as parameter to a process instance. |
P_String_To | Yes | NVARCHAR (60) | String passed as maximum string range to a process instance. |
ParameterName | Yes | NVARCHAR (60) | Name describing the parameter. |
P_Date | Yes | TIMESTAMP (7) | Date passed as parameter to a process instance. |
P_Date_To | Yes | TIMESTAMP (7) | Date passed as maximum date as parameter to a process instance. |
AD_PInstance_ID | No | VARCHAR (32) | Process Instance identifies the instance of a process. Every time a process is executed a new instance of it is created. |
P_Number | Yes | DECIMAL | Number passed as parameter to a process instance. |
P_Number_To | Yes | DECIMAL | Number passed as maximum range as parameter to a process instance. |
SeqNo | No | VARCHAR (32) | The Sequence indicates the order of records |
Updated | Yes | TIMESTAMP (7) | The Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated. |
UpdatedBy | Yes | VARCHAR (32) | The Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record. |
- Physical column name: AD_PInstance_Para_ID
- Property Name: id
- Reference: ID
- Physical column name: IsActive
- Property Name: active
- Reference: YesNo
- Default value: Y
- Physical column name: AD_Client_ID
- Property Name: client
- Reference: TableDir
Foreign key column to AD_Client table, (column: AD_Client_ID)
It has a validation "AD_Client Security validation", with the following code
AD_Client.AD_Client_ID in (@#User_Client@)
- Physical column name: Info
- Property Name: comments
- Reference: String
Created By
- Physical column name: CreatedBy
- Property Name: createdBy
- Reference: Search
Foreign key column to AD_User table, (column: AD_User_ID)
Creation Date
- Physical column name: Created
- Property Name: creationDate
- Reference: DateTime
- Default value: SYSDATE
Info To
- Physical column name: Info_To
- Property Name: infoTo
- Reference: String
- Physical column name: AD_Org_ID
- Property Name: organization
- Reference: TableDir
Foreign key column to AD_Org table, (column: AD_Org_ID)
- Physical column name: P_String
- Property Name: string
- Reference: String
- Physical column name: P_String_To
- Property Name: stringTo
- Reference: String
Parameter Name
- Physical column name: ParameterName
- Property Name: parameterName
- Reference: String
- This column is part of the table's identifier
Process Date
- Physical column name: P_Date
- Property Name: processDate
- Reference: Date
Process Date To
- Physical column name: P_Date_To
- Property Name: processDateTo
- Reference: Date
Process Instance
- Physical column name: AD_PInstance_ID
- Property Name: processInstance
- Reference: TableDir
- This column is a child for a business object (is Parent)
Foreign key column to AD_PInstance table, (column: AD_PInstance_ID)
Process Number
- Physical column name: P_Number
- Property Name: processNumber
- Reference: Number
- Default value: 0
Process Number To
- Physical column name: P_Number_To
- Property Name: processNumberTo
- Reference: Number
- Default value: 0
Sequence Number
- Physical column name: SeqNo
- Property Name: sequenceNumber
- Reference: ID
- Physical column name: Updated
- Property Name: updated
- Reference: DateTime
- Default value: SYSDATE
Updated By
- Physical column name: UpdatedBy
- Property Name: updatedBy
- Reference: Search
Foreign key column to AD_User table, (column: AD_User_ID)
Other Info
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