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Extension Points

This is the list of available Extension Points on core procedures.

C_Order_Post - Finish Process Extension Point

This extension point is called at the end of the C_Order_Post1 function, the function that processes orders

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). c_order_id of the order that is being processed.
    • DocAction (p_String). Action performed during the order process.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

C_Order_Post - Validation Process

This extension point is called at the beginning of the C_Order_Post1 function, the function that processes orders

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). c_order_id of the order that is being processed.
    • DocAction (p_String). Action performed during the order process.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

C_Invoice_Post - Finish_Process Extension Point

This extension point is called at the end of the C_Invoice_Post function, the function that processes invoices

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). c_invoice_id of the invoice that is being processed.
    • DocAction (p_String). Action performed during the order process.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

M_Inout_Post - Finish_Process Extension Point

This extension point is called at the end of the M_Inout_Post function, the function that completes shipments

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). m_inout_id of the shipment that is being processed.
    • DocAction (p_String). Action performed during the order process.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

M_Inout_Create - Calling Post Process

This extension point is called inside the M_Inout_Create function, the function that creates shipments from orders. It allows depending on the result returned to call the function to complete the shipment created or not and leave the shipment in draft status.

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). c_invoice_id of the invoice that is being processed.
    • DocAction (p_String). Action performed during the order process.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (NULL, execute the shipment complete process. Other value, do not execute the shipment complete process)

M_Inout_Cancel - Calling Post Process

This extension point is called inside the M_Inout_Cancel function, the function that cancels shipments from orders. It allows depending on the result returned to call the function to complete the shipment created or not and leave the shipment in draft status.

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). c_invoice_id of the invoice that is being processed.
    • DocAction (p_String). Action performed during the order process.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (NULL, execute the shipment complete process. Other value, do not execute the shipment complete process)

MA_Copy_Version - Finish Process

This extension point is called at the end of the MA_Copy_Version function, the function that copy process plan versions.

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). MA_Processplan_ID of the Process Plan that is being copied.
    • MA_Processplan_Version_ID (p_String). MA_Processplan_Version_ID of the Process Plan Version that is being copied.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

MA_Workrequirement_Process - Finish Process

This extension point is called at the end of the MA_Workrequirement_Process function, the function that processes Works Requirements

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). MA_WorkRequirement_ID of the Work Requirement that is being processed.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

MA_Productionrun_Standard - Finish Process

This extension point is called at the end of the MA_Productionrun_Standard function, the function used by Create Standards process

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). M_ProductionPlan_ID of the Production Plan that is being processed.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

MA_Workeffort_Validate - Finish Process

This extension point is called at the end of the MA_Workeffort_Validate function, the function that validates Works Efforts

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). MA_WorkEffort_ID of the Work Effort that is being processed.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

M_Get_Stock - Finish Process

This extension point is called at the end of the M_Get_Stock function, the function that gets stock from the Warehouse. This function is used in Warehouse Stock Management functionality.

From 3.0MP10 it is possible to customize the stock that Warehouse Stock Management proposes.

  • Parameters:
    • AD_Pinstance_Stock_ID (p_String). AD_Pinstance_ID of the AD_PINSTANCE process from M_Get_Stock
    • Record_ID. Record_ID of the entity who calls M_Get_Stock.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.

M_PriceList_Create - Finish Process

This extension point is called at the end of the M_Pricelist_Create function, the function that create prices based on parameters of the price list version. See Price List Version

  • Parameters:
    • Record_ID (p_String column of AD_EP_Instance_Para). M_PriceList_Version_ID of the Price List Version that is being processed.
    • DeleteOld (p_String). DeleteOld parameter taken from AD_PInstance_Para.
    • User (p_String). AD_User_Id who has launched the process.
    • Message (p_Text). Variable to set a message if needed.
    • Result (p_Number). Integer to set the result of the process (1 success, 0 error, 2 warning)

Message and Result have to be retrieved after the procedures have been launched as they might be changed by those procedures to set warnings and messages to the user.