General Ledger Configuration

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The general ledger configuration drives the way that the organization's financial transactions are going to be posted to the ledger.

General Ledger Configuration

The General Ledger Configuration window allows to review and maintain defaulted general ledger configurations and to create new ones if needed.


Dimension tab allows to configure the organization's general ledger dimensions or to add additional accounting dimensions do not centrally maintained in the client.

Active Tables

Active Tables tab allows to define which tables and therefore transactions are going to be post to the ledger and which ones not.


Documents tab allows to define which document types of a table allow negative posting and if they use a different accounting process than the default one based on a given accounting template.

General Accounts

General accounts tab allows you to define the accounts to be used in balancing entries and in the end-year closing process.


Defaults tab allows to maintain or to add a set of default accounts to use while posting a certain type of transactions.

Full list of General Ledger Configuration window fields and their descriptions is available in the General Ledger Configuration Screen Reference.

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