IDL Payments

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A payment is the actual event of either making or receiving a payment.

Input file definition

Field name Type Nullable Description Accepted values Comment
Organization String(40) No* Indicates the organization to be used when processing documents. [Organization search key]
DocumentNo String(30) Yes Indicates the document reference of the payment [Organization search key] If this value is null a new Document No will be generated based in the corresponding sequence and if it is not null payment lines will be grouped based in this Document No value.
BusinessPartner String(60) No* A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include a customer, vendor, employee or any combination of these. [Business Partner search key] The validation will fail if the Business Partner does not exist.
IsReceipt Boolean No Indicates a sales or purchase transaction. Y = Receive Payment, N = Make Payment
Currency String(32) No* Currency used for Price List of the Business Partner [Currency ISO code] The validation will fail if the currency does not exist.
PaymentMethod String(60) No* Indicates the method of payment used for this transaction FIN_Payment.Name If it does not exists any payment method with this name, a new payment method will be created with this name.
PaymentDate Date No yyyy-MM-dd format. FIN_Payment.PaymentDate
FinancialAccount String(60) No* Identifies an account at this Bank. FIN_Financial_Account.Name If it is not associated this financial account with the payment method of this payment, a new association will be created.
Project String(60) Yes Identifier of a project defined within the Project. C_Project.Value

Campaign String(60) Yes The Marketing Campaign defines the parameters for a Campaign. C_Campaign.Value
Activity String(60) Yes Identifier of a activity defined within the Project. C_Activity.Value

InvoiceNo String(30) Yes Invoice No associated to this payment, if it exists.
OrderNo String(30) Yes Order No associated to this payment, if it exists.
GLItem String(60) No* General ledger item [GL Item name] The validation will fail if the General Ledger Item does not exist.
Amount Big Decimal No The amount of the payment Decimal separator = .

* This fields can be NULL if they have a default value associated.

Default Value definition

Field name Type Accepted values Examples
TransactionalOrg String(40) [search_key] column from [AD_Org] table
Currency String(3) [iso_code] column from [c_currency] table EUR, USD, GBP, ...
PaymentMethod String(60) FIN_PaymentMethod
FinancialAccount String(60) FIN_Financial_Account

BusinessPartner String(60) [value] column from [c_bpartner] table Mcgiver, John Money Maker, ...
Project String(60)
Campaign String(60)
Activity String(60)
GLItem String(60) [name] column from [c_glitem] table Salaries, Social Security, ...