Projects/AdvPaymentMngt/Technical Documentation
- 1 Advanced Payables and Receivables
- 2 Artifact List
- 3 Entity Relationship diagram
- 4 Database Structure definition
- 4.1 C_Invoice table
- 4.2 FIN_Payment table
- 4.3 FIN_Payment_Schedule table
- 4.4 FIN_Payment_Detail Table
- 4.5 FIN_Payment_ScheduleDetail Table
- 4.6 FIN_Payment_Proposal table
- 4.7 FIN_Payment_Prop_Detail table
- 4.8 FIN_Financial_Account table
- 4.9 FIN_Finacc_Transaction table
- 4.10 FIN_PaymentMethod table
- 4.11 FIN_Finacc_PaymentMethod table
- 4.12 FIN_Matching_Algorithm table
- 4.13 FIN_BankFile_Format table
- 4.14 Aprm_Finacc_Transaction_Acct_V view
- 4.15 FIN_Bankstatement table
- 4.16 FIN_Bankstatementline table
- 4.17 Aprm_Reconciliation_V view
- 4.18 FIN_Reconciliationline_V view
- 4.19 FIN_Payment_Sched_Inv_V view
- 4.20 FIN_Payment_Sched_Ord_V view
- 4.21 FIN_Payment_Detail_V view
Advanced Payables and Receivables
Module Definition
A module must be created with the following parameters:
- Name: Advanced Payables and Receivables
- Version: 1.0.0.
- Java package: org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt (Provisional)
- Description: This module enhances the user experience in managing open invoices in Openbravo ERP. The scope of this project addresses workflows in Customer Payment (AR), Supplier Payment (AP) and Financial Account Management. The enhanced payment workflows have been simplified and include a full reconciliation process. Additionally, the accounting events driven by the workflow will be clearer, more easily configurable and transparent to end users.
- Language: En_US
- License: Commercial
- License Text: Advanced Payables and Receivables is based on the Openbravo Commercial License that can be found here:
- Author: Openbravo S.L.U.
In the dependency tab:
- Dependant on core
In the prefix tab: Prefix=APRM (Advanced Payables and Receivables Management)
In the datapackage tab: org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt
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This module is going to be included in QuickStart. Based in the Functional Documentation some core changes will also be needed. So during the development phase the module will be considered as a template and when it is completed all the changes of the template will be merged in the QuickStart template, setting back this module as a module. |
Artifact List
The development of this module involves the creation of the several items in the application dictionary. Notice that new fields, tabs and window will require of the creation of the corresponding tables and columns in the application dictionary. The relation of these new database objects is described in the Database Structure Definition section. Below is the list of windows and processes that are new or might have some changes.
Sales Invoice window
List of artifacts needed on this core window:
New tabs and fields
In this core window new fields are added in the Header tab and 2 new tabs are also added, Payment Plan and Payment Detail.
Header tab:
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When the functional spec. were done the Payment monitor feature was not yet included in main, a review of the mockup is needed. |
There are some inconsistencies in the proposed field names that are different on Edit view and Relation view mockups.
New fields included (descriptions are provisional):
- Due date: Only visible in the Relation view mockup. Shows the date of the next due date. Same information is provided by current Days till due field.
- Days Overdue/Overdue: Number of days of delay of the payment. Same information is provided by current Days till due field.
- Overdue amount/Amount overdue: Amount not paid when there is an overdue.
- Add Payment: Button that launches the Add Payment process.
Fields with name changes, most of them included in the Payment Monitor:
- Total received payments/Received: Core's Total paid.
- Amount pending/Pending: Core's Due Amount.
- Gross Amount/Total Invoiced:Core's Grand Total Amount.
Fields shown in the Relation view are:
- Due date (Days till due)
- Invoice (Document No.)
- Business Partner
- Total Invoiced (Gross amount or Grand Total Amount)
- Received (Total Received Payments)
- Pending (Amount pending)
- Overdue (Days overdue)
- Overdue Amount (Amount overdue)
Payment Plan tab:
- Name: Payment Plan (Provisional)
- Child of the Header following the Tax tab.
- UI Pattern: Read Only.
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Payment Detail tab:
- Name: Payment Detail.
- Table: FIN_Payment_Detail_V
- Child of the Payment Plan tab
- UI Patter: Read only
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Add Payment process
In the invoices window a new button is going to be set, this button will allow the user to add payments done by customer to the selected invoice. To do it this button will open a new Pop-up window to manage the selection of the different remaining invoices.
Process Definition:
- Search key: AddPayment
- Name: Add Payment
- Data access level: Organization. (Provisional)
- UI Pattern: Manual.
In Process Class tab:
- Java Class: org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.AddPayment.
File:Receive-Payments 0006 Add-Payments-Pop.png
Generate Payment Schedule Extension Points
New procedures APRM_GEN_PAYMENTSCHEDULE_INV and APRM_GEN_PAYMENTSCHEDULE_ORD, to be added to core's C_Invoice_Post - End process and C_Order_Post - End process extension points.
This procedure has to populate the FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE table when the invoices or orders, both sales and purchase, are completed. The process has to be very similar to current c_debt_payment generation in the c_invoice_post procedure.
- When invoices are completed: Populate FIN_Payment_Schedule table based on the payment terms of the invoice for the total amount of the invoice, if a related order has some payment done it has to be deducted to the amount.
- When invoices are closed or reactivated: If there is some payment done the invoice cannot be reactivated, if not delete the related payment schedules and create the payment schedule of the order if necessary.
- When orders are completed: Add one record to the FIN_Payment_Schedule table with the total amount.
Sales Order window
List of artifacts needed on this core window:
New tabs and fields
In this core window 2 new tabs are also added, Payment Plan and Payment Detail.
Payment Plan tab:
- Name: Payment Plan (Provisional)
- Child of the Header following the Tax tab.
- UI Pattern: Read Only.
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Payment Detail tab:
- Name: Payment Detail.
- Table: FIN_Payment_Detail_V
- Child of the Payment Plan tab
- UI Patter: Read only
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Receive Payment Window
New window, Receive Payment, created under Sales Management || Transactions. This window has 4 buttons that are shown / hidden depending on the status of the payment. These are:
- Select Sales Orders or Sales Invoices manual window.
- Process Payment / Reactivate process.
- Reconcile manual window.
- Posted accounting process.
Window definition
- Description: Window to manage the payments done by customers (Provisional).
- Help: Window to manage the payments done by customers (Provisional).
This new window has two tabs called Header and Lines.
Header tab:
- Name: Header
- Description: Add new customer payment into the system. (Provisional)
- UI Pattern: Standard.
- Notice that fields have a Read only logic depending of the payment status.
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Lines tab:
- Name: Lines
- Description: Add new customer payment into the system.
- UI Pattern: Read Only.
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Add Order or Invoices process
In the commented new window named Receive Payment a new button is going to set in the header, this button will lunch a new process named Add Order or Invoices and will allow the user to select invoices or order to asociate to the created new payment. To manage this process a pop-up will be available to the user to select order or invoiced related to the business partner. Proccess Definition:
- Search key: AddOrderInvoices
- Name: Add Orders or Invoices
- Data access level: Organization. (Provisional)
- UI Pattern: Manual.
In Process Class tab:
- Java Class: org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.AddOrderInvoice
File:Receive-Payments 0017 Payment-select-invoices-POP.png
Process Receipt Payment and Reactivate process
Process that depending on the status of the payment processes or reactivate it.
Reconcile process
Manual popup window to reconcile the payments. These can be deposited, issued, received or withdrawn
Posted accounting process
Accounting process to post the payment when it is processed. The accounting can be configured when the payment is processed or when the payment is deposited in a financial account, so this button shall be hidden or shown depending on this configuration. Posting of invoices will have to be modified as well. New payment flow will be taken into account when it exists but default payment flow compatibility has to be preserved. Additional accounting configuration window has to be added to financial account to be able to define the accounting rules per a combination of financial account and payment method, and per accounting schema (TBD).
Objects: New java class creation for payment document. New java class creation for template (to be able to redefine the behavior through a module)
Purchase Invoice window
The changes of this window are the same than the changes of the Sales Invoice window.
New tabs and fields
In this core window new fields are added in the Header tab and 2 new tabs are also added, Payment Plan and Payment Detail.
Header tab:
![]() |
When the functional spec. wad done the Payment monitor feature was not yet included in main, a review of the mockup is needed. |
There are some inconsistencies in the proposed field names that are different on Edit view and Relation view mockups.
New fields included (descriptions are provisional):
- Due date: Only visible in the Relation view mockup. Shows the date of the next due date. Same information is provided by current Days till due field.
- Days Overdue/Overdue: Number of days of delay of the payment. Same information is provided by current Days till due field.
- Overdue amount/Amount overdue: Amount not paid when there is an overdue.
- Add Payment: Button that launches the Add Payment process, notice that in this document it is described the process based on a receipt transaction.
Fields with name changes, most of them included in the Payment Monitor:
- Total received payments/Received: Core's Total paid.
- Amount pending/Pending: Core's Due Amount.
- Gross Amount/Total Invoiced:Core's Grand Total Amount.
Fields shown in the Relation view are:
- Due date (Days till due)
- Invoice (Document No.)
- Business Partner
- Total Invoiced (Gross amount or Grand Total Amount)
- Received (Total Received Payments)
- Pending (Amount pending)
- Overdue (Days overdue)
- Overdue Amount (Amount overdue)
Payment Plan tab:
- Name: Payment Plan (Provisional)
- Child of the Header following the Tax tab.
- UI Pattern: Read Only.
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Payment Detail tab:
- Name: Payment Detail.
- Table: FIN_Payment_Detail_V
- Child of the Payment Plan tab
- UI Patter: Read only
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Purchase Order window
List of artifacts needed on this core window:
New tabs and fields
In this core window 2 new tabs are also added, Payment Plan and Payment Detail.
Payment Plan tab:
- Name: Payment Plan (Provisional)
- Child of the Header following the Tax tab.
- UI Pattern: Read Only.
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Payment Detail tab:
- Name: Payment Detail.
- Table: FIN_Payment_Detail_V
- Child of the Payment Plan tab
- UI Patter: Read only
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Payment Proposal window
New window, Payment Proposal, defined under Procurement Management || Transactions. This window adds 2 button:
- Select Payments manual window.
- Generate Payments, close, reactivate process.
Window definition
This window has 2 tabs Header and Lines.
Header tab:
- Name: Header
- Description: Add new vendor payment into the system. (Provisional)
- UI Pattern: Standard
- Notice that fields have a Read only logic depending on the payment status.
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Lines tab:
- Name: Lines
- Description: Add new customer payment into the system.
- UI Pattern: Read only
Check the mockup to get the relation of fields.
Select expected payments process
Manual popup window to select the pending scheduled payments of Purchase Orders and Invoices.
Process Proposal, Reactivate and Close process
Process that depending on the status and the chosen action, generate the payments, reactivates the proposal or closes it.
Payment Method Window
It is an auto generated new window, Payment Method, defined under Financial Management || Receivable & Payables || Setup. This window adds 2 tabs:
- Payment Method
- Accounts
Window definition
This new window has two tabs called Payment Method and Accounts.
Payment Method tab:
- Name: Payment Method
- Description: Add new payment method into the system.
- Table: FIN_PaymentMethod
- UI Pattern: Standard.
Accounts tab:
- Name: Accounts
- Description: Add new accounts into the Payment Method.
- UI Pattern: Standard.
- Child of the Payment Method tab.
Matching Algorithm Window
It is an auto generated new window, Matching Algorithm, defined under Financial Management || Receivable & Payables || Setup. This window has one tab:
- Matching Algorithm
Window definition
This new window has one tab called Matching Algorithm
Matching Algorithm tab:
- Name: Matching Algorithm
- Description: Add new matching algorithm into the system.
- UI Pattern: Standard.
Bank File Format Window
It is an auto generated new window, Bank File Format, defined under Financial Management || Receivable & Payables || Setup. This window has one tab:
- Bank File Format
Window definition
This new window has one tab called Bank File Format
Bank File Format tab:
- Name: Bank File Format
- Description: Add new bank file format into the system.
- UI Pattern: Standard.
Financial Account Window
It is an auto generated new window, Financial Account, defined under Financial Management || Receivable & Payables || Transactions. This window has seven tabs. The transactions tab is manually developed tab.
- Account
- Transactions
- Accounting history
- Imported bank statements
- Bank Statement Lines
- Reconciliations
- Reconciliations Lines
Window definition
Account tab:
- Name : Account
- Description: Details of the account
- UI Pattern : Standard.
- Header tab of the Financial Account window.
Accounting history tab:
- Name : Accounting history
- Description: Accounting history of the financial account
- UI Pattern : ReadOnly.
- Child of the Account following the Transactions tab.
Transactions tab:
- Name : Transactions
- Description: Transactions associated with the financial account.
- UI Pattern : Standard.
- Master Detail Form: AccountTransactions.
- Child of the account tab.
Imported Bank Statements tab:
- Name : Imported Bank Statements
- Description: Matching bank statement with existing details.
- UI Pattern : Standard.
- Child of the Account following the Accounting history tab.
Bank Statements Lines tab:
- Name : Bank Statements Lines
- Description: Adding new lines to the bank statement.
- UI Pattern : Standard.
- Child of the Imported Bank Statements tab.
Reconciliations tab:
- Name : Reconciliations
- Description: Details of reconciliation of the financial account.
- UI Pattern : Standard.
- Child of the Account following the Imported Bank Statement tab.
Reconciliations Lines tab:
- Name : Reconciliations Lines
- Description: Details of reconciliation Line of the financial account.
- UI Pattern : ReadOnly.
- Child of the Reconciliations tab.
Entity Relationship diagram
Database Structure definition
Relation of tables and views that needs to be included or modified. These tables and views are to be included in core except the columns related to the buttons that open the manual windows.
C_Invoice table
C_Invoice | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
EM_FIN_ADDPAYMENT | CHAR | 1 | Relates to the button used to add payments to an existing invoice |
FIN_Payment table
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
ISRECEIPT | CHAR | 1 | Referred to A/R when positive and to A/P when negative. |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | A space to write additional related information. |
C_BPARTNER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_BPARTNER indicating the BPartner it relates to. |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT indicating the account from which the payment will be made. |
PAYMENTDATE | DATE | Date of payment event. | |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CURRENCY indicating the currency used for the transaction. |
AMOUNT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction. | |
WRITEOFFAMT | DECIMAL | Amount that has been wrote off | |
FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD indicating the payment rule used in this transaction. |
DOCUMENTNO | VARCHAR | 30 | Document number for the payment. |
REFERENCENO | VARCHAR | 40 | Document number given by the customer for the payment. |
STATUS | VARCHAR | 40 | Status of the payment (Payment received, deposited not cleared, payment cleared). |
PROCESSED | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicating the event is ready to be accounted. |
PROCESSING | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicating the event is locked as is being used in a process. |
POSTED | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicating the event is already accounted. |
C_DOCTYPE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_DOCTYPE indicating the document type used for the transaction. |
C_PROJECT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_PROJECT indicating the project used for the transaction. |
C_CAMPAIGN_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CAMPAIGN indicating the campaign used for the transaction. |
C_ACTIVITY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_ACTIVITY indicating the activity used for the transaction. |
USER1_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicating the first dimension |
USER2_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicating the second dimension |
EM_APRM_PROCESS_PAYMENT | VARCHAR | 60 | Column for the Process button |
EM_APRM_RECONCILE_PAYMENT | CHAR | 1 | Column for the Reconcile button |
EM_APRM_ADD_SCHEDULEDPAYMENTS | CHAR | 1 | Relates to the button used to add schedule payments to an existing payment |
FIN_Payment_Schedule table
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
C_INVOICE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_INVOICE indicating the invoice it relates to. |
C_ORDER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_ORDER indicating the order it relates to. |
DUEDATE | DATE | Date upon the payment is due. | |
FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD indicating the payment rule used in this transaction. |
C_CURRENCY_ID | CHAR | 32 | Currency used in the transaction. |
AMOUNT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction. | |
PAIDAMT | DECIMAL | Amount that has already been paid | |
OUTSTANDINGAMT | DECIMAL | The value of any unpaid part of a payment. |
FIN_Payment_Detail Table
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_DETAIL_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
FIN_PAYMENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT indicating the Payment it relates to. |
AMOUNT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction. | |
REFUND | CHAR | 1 | Used to indicate whether the amount is left as a credit for the customer or left to be refunded as a difference. Only applies when the amount do not match to any existing payment scheduling for a particular business partner. |
WRITEOFFAMT | DECIMAL | Amount that has been wrote off | |
C_GLITEM_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_GLITEM indicating the G/L item it relates to. |
ISPREPAYMENT | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicates that the payment is a prepayment |
FIN_Payment_ScheduleDetail Table
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULEDETAIL_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
FIN_PAYMENT_DETAIL_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT indicating the Payment it relates to. |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_INVOICE | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE indicating the invoice payment schedule it relates to. |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ORDER | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE indicating the order payment schedule it relates to. |
AMOUNT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction. | |
WRITEOFFAMT | DECIMAL | Amount that has been wrote off | |
FIN_PAYMENT_PROP_DETAIL_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT_PROP_DETAIL indicating the Proposal detail of the payment. |
FIN_Payment_Proposal table
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_PROPOSAL_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
ISRECEIPT | CHAR | 1 | Referred to A/R when positive and to A/P when negative. |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | A space to write additional related information. |
C_BPARTNER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_BPARTNER indicating the BPartner it relates to. |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT indicating the account from which the payment will be made. |
PAYMENTDATE | DATE | Date of payment event. | |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CURRENCY indicating the currency used for the transaction. |
AMOUNT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction. | |
WRITEOFFAMT | DECIMAL | Amount that has been wrote off | |
FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD indicating the payment rule used in this transaction. |
DOCUMENTNO | VARCHAR | 40 | Document number for the payment. |
REFERENCENO | VARCHAR | 40 | Document number given by the customer for the payment. |
STATUS | VARCHAR | 40 | Status of the payment (Payment received, deposited not cleared, payment cleared). |
PROCESSED | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicating the event is ready to be accounted. |
PROCESSING | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicating the event is locked as is being used in a process. |
EM_APRM_PROCESS_PROPOSAL | VARCHAR | 60 | Column for the Process button |
EM_APRM_SEL_EXPECTEDPAYMENTS | CHAR | 1 | Column for the button to select expected payments. |
C_DOCTYPE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_DOCTYPE indicating the document used for the transaction. |
FIN_Payment_Prop_Detail table
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_PROP_DETAIL_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
FIN_PAYMENT_PROPOSAL_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT indicating the Payment it relates to. |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE indicating the payment schedule it relates to. |
AMOUNT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction. | |
WRITEOFFAMT | DECIMAL | Amount that has been wrote off | |
C_GLITEM_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_GLITEM indicating the G/L item it relates to. |
FIN_Financial_Account table
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CURRENCY indicating the currency it relates to. |
NAME | NVARCHAR | 60 | Name of the financial account. |
DESCRIPTION | NVARCHAR | 255 | Description added to the financial account. |
TYPE | VARCHAR | 60 | The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur |
C_BPARTNER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_BPARTNER indicating the BPartner it relates to. |
C_LOCATION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_LOCATION indicating the location it relates to. |
ROUTINGNO | VARCHAR | 20 | The Bank Routing Number identifies a legal Bank. |
SWIFTNO | VARCHAR | 20 | The SWIFT code is an identifier of a Bank.(Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) |
CODEBANK | VARCHAR | 4 | First four numbers of the bank account number which identifies the bank uniquely. |
CODEBRANCH | VARCHAR | 4 | Second group of four numbers of the bank account which identifies the branch uniquely. |
BANK_DIGITCONTROL | VARCHAR | 1 | Tenth number of the bank account. |
INE_NUMBER | VARCHAR | 9 | Number provided by the bank to configure remittances. |
CODEACCOUNT | VARCHAR | 10 | Code of the account.Last ten numbers of the bank account. |
ACCOUNTNO | VARCHAR | 20 | The Account Number indicates the Number assigned to this account |
CURRENTBALANCE | NUMERIC | The Current Balance field indicates the current balance in this account. | |
CREDITLIMIT | NUMERIC | The Credit Limit field indicates the credit limit for this account. | |
IBAN | VARCHAR | 34 | International standard for identifying bank accounts across national borders |
ISDEFAULT | CHAR | 1 | The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. |
FIN_Finacc_Transaction table
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_FINACC_TRANSACTION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CURRENCY indicating the currency it relates to. |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT indicating the financial account the transaction refers to. |
FIN_PAYMENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT indicating the payment the transaction refers to. |
DATEACCT | DATE | Date in which the transaction will be booked. | |
C_GLITEM_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_GLITEM indicating the G/L item the transaction refers to. |
STATUS | VARCHAR | 40 | Status of the transaction (not cleared, cleared, reconciled). |
PAYMENTAMT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction to be paid. | |
DEPOSITAMT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction to be paid. | |
PROCESSED | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicating the event is ready to be accounted. |
PROCESSING | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicating the event is locked as is being used in a process. |
POSTED | CHAR | 1 | Flag indicating the event is already accounted. |
C_PROJECT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_PROJECT indicating the project used for the transaction. |
C_CAMPAIGN_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CAMPAIGN indicating the campaign used for the transaction. |
C_ACTIVITY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_ACTIVITY indicating the activity used for the transaction. |
USER1_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates the first dimension |
USER2_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates the second dimension |
TRXTYPE | VARCHAR | 60 | Indicates the transaction type. |
STATEMENTDATE | DATE | Indicates the statement date. | |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | A space to write additional related information. |
FIN_RECONCILIATION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_RECONCILIATION indicating the reconciliations its relates to. |
FIN_PaymentMethod table
FIN_PaymentMethod | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
NAME | VARCHAR | 60 | Name of the payment method |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | A space to write additional related information. |
FIN_Finacc_PaymentMethod table
FIN_Finacc_PaymentMethod | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_FINACC_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD indicating the payment rule used in this transaction. |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT indicating the account from which the payment will be made. |
AUTOMATIC_RECEIPT | CHAR | 1 | Flag is indicating automatically create the receipt when the invoice is completed. |
AUTOMATIC_PAYMENT | CHAR | 1 | Flag is indicating automatically create the payment when the invoice is completed. |
AUTOMATIC_DEPOSIT | CHAR | 1 | Flag is indicating automatically deposit the payment when it is processed. |
AUTOMATIC_WITHDRAWN | CHAR | 1 | Flag is indicating automatically withdrawn the payment when it is processed. |
FIN_Matching_Algorithm table
FIN_Matching_Algorithm | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_MATCHING_ALGORITHM_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
NAME | VARCHAR | 60 | A non-unique identifier for a record/document often used as a search tool. |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | A space to write additional related information. |
CLASSNAME | VARCHAR | 1000 | x not implemented |
FIN_BankFile_Format table
FIN_BankFile_Format | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_BANKFILE_FORMAT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
NAME | VARCHAR | 60 | A non-unique identifier for a record/document often used as a search tool. |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | A space to write additional related information. |
CLASSNAME | VARCHAR | 1000 | x not implemented |
Aprm_Finacc_Transaction_Acct_V view
Aprm_Finacc_Transaction_Acct_V | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_FINACC_TRANSACTION_ACCT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
C_ACCTSCHEMA_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The structure used in accounting including costing methods, currencies, and the calendar. |
C_ELEMENTVALUE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | A identification code for an account type. |
DATETRX | DATE | This field is indicates the date of the transaction. | |
DATEACCT | DATE | This field is indicates which accounting period within the fiscal year this transaction will be part of. | |
C_PERIOD_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | This field indicates the exclusive range of dates for a calendar. |
AD_TABLE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | This field indicates the table in which a field or fields reside. |
FIN_FINACC_TRANSACTION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINACC_TRANSACTION indicating the financial transaction used in this transaction. |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT indicating the account from which the payment will be made. |
GL_GATEGORY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates the category of general ledger. |
C_TAX_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates the type of tax for this document line. |
M_LOCATOR_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates where in a Warehouse a product is located. |
POSTINGTYPE | VARCHAR | 60 | Indicates the type of amount (Actual, Encumbrance, Budget) this journal updated. |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates the currency to be used when processing this document. |
AMTSOURCEDR | DECIMAL | Indicates the credit amount for this line in the source currency. | |
AMTSOURCECR | DECIMAL | Indicates the credit amount for this line in the source currency. | |
AMTACCTDR | DECIMAL | Indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency | |
AMTACCTCR | DECIMAL | Indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency | |
C_UOM_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates the unique non monetary unit of measure |
QTY | DECIMAL | The Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document. | |
M_PRODUCT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. |
C_BPARTNER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_BPARTNER indicating the BPartner it relates to. |
AD_ORGTRX_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates the organization transaction. |
C_LOCFROM_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The Location From indicates the location that a product was moved from. |
C_LOCTO_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | This field is indicates the location that a product was moved to. |
C_SALESREGION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The Sales Region indicates a specific area of sales coverage. |
C_PROJECT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module. |
C_CAMPAIGN_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. |
C_ACTIVITY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing |
USER1_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. |
USER2_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | Indicates Additional related information. |
A_ASSET_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates An item which is owned and exchangeable for cash. |
FACT_ACCT_GROUP_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates an accounting entry group ID |
SEQNO | DECIMAL | The Sequence indicates the order of records | |
FACTACCTTYPE | CHAR | 1 | Type of entry (Normal, Closing, Opening, Regularization) |
DOCBASETYPE | VARCHAR | 40 | The Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document |
ACCTVALUE | VARCHAR | 40 | Indicates the value of the account used in the entry. |
ACCTDESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | Description of the accounting entry |
C_WITHHOLDING_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The Withholding indicates the type of withholding to be calculated. |
View Definition:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW aprm_finacc_transaction_acct_v AS SELECT fact_acct.fact_acct_id AS fin_finacc_transaction_acct_id, fact_acct.ad_client_id,fact_acct.ad_org_id,fact_acct.isactive, fact_acct.created, fact_acct.createdby, fact_acct.updated, fact_acct.updatedby, fact_acct.c_acctschema_id, fact_acct.account_id AS c_elementvalue_id, fact_acct.datetrx,fact_acct.dateacct, fact_acct.c_period_id, fact_acct.ad_table_id, fact_acct.record_id AS fin_finacc_transaction_id, fin_finacc_transaction.fin_financial_account_id, fact_acct.gl_category_id, fact_acct.c_tax_id, fact_acct.m_locator_id, fact_acct.postingtype, fact_acct.c_currency_id, fact_acct.amtsourcedr, fact_acct.amtsourcecr, fact_acct.amtacctdr, fact_acct.amtacctcr, fact_acct.c_uom_id, fact_acct.qty, fact_acct.m_product_id, fact_acct.c_bpartner_id, fact_acct.ad_orgtrx_id, fact_acct.c_locfrom_id, fact_acct.c_locto_id, fact_acct.c_salesregion_id, fact_acct.c_project_id, fact_acct.c_campaign_id, fact_acct.c_activity_id, fact_acct.user1_id, fact_acct.user2_id, fact_acct.description, fact_acct.a_asset_id, fact_acct.fact_acct_group_id, fact_acct.seqno, fact_acct.factaccttype, fact_acct.docbasetype, fact_acct.acctvalue, fact_acct.acctdescription, fact_acct.c_withholding_id FROM fact_acct, fin_finacc_transaction WHERE fact_acct.record_id::text = fin_finacc_transaction.fin_finacc_transaction_id::text AND fact_acct.ad_table_id::text = '4D8C3B3C31D1410DA046140C9F024D17'::text;
FIN_Bankstatement table
FIN_Bankstatement | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_BANKSTATEMENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT indicating the account from which the payment will be made. |
DOCUMENTNO | VARCHAR | 32 | Document number for the payment. |
NAME | VARCHAR | 60 | A non-unique identifier for a record/document |
NOTES | VARCHAR | 255 | Indicates the additional information. |
C_DOCTYPE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_DOCTYPE indicating the document type used for the transaction. . |
FILENAME | VARCHAR | 255 | Indicates the appropriate file name for the bank statement. |
IMPORTDATE | DATE | Import date of the bank file | |
STATEMENTDATE | DATE | The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement being processed. | |
FIN_RECONCILIATION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Reconciliation events related to the financial account |
PROCESSING | CHAR | 1 | Indicating a process is being performed on this record. |
PROCESSED | CHAR | 1 | This field is indicates that a document has been processed. |
FIN_Bankstatementline table
FIN_Bankstatementline | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_BANKSTATEMENTLINE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
FIN_BANKSTATEMENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Bank statements related to a financial account |
LINE | DECIMAL | Indicates the unique line for a document. | |
BPARTNERNAME | VARCHAR | 60 | Indicates the busines partner name. |
C_BPARTNER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_BPARTNER indicating the BPartner it relates to. |
DATETRX | DATE | The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. | |
CRAMOUNT | DECIMAL | Indicates the credited amount. | |
DRAMOUNT | DECIMAL | Import the debited amount. | |
REFERENCENO | VARCHAR | 50 | The number for a specific reference. |
MATCHINGTYPE | VARCHAR | 60 | Type of matching for the given line. |
FIN_FINACC_TRANSACTION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINACC_TRANSACTION indicating the financial transaction used in this transaction. |
EM_C43_DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 2000 | C43 Description. |
Aprm_Reconciliation_V view
Aprm_Reconciliation_V | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
APRM_RECONCILIATION_V_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
FIN_RECONCILIATION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Reconciliation events related to the financial account |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
DOCUMENTNO | VARCHAR | 30 | Indicates the document no for the financial account. |
C_DOCTYPE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The Document Type determines document sequence and processing rules |
DATETO | DATE | The Date To indicates the end date of a range (inclusive) | |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Financial account used to deposit / withdrawal money such as bank accounts or petty cash |
STATEMENTDATE | DATE | The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement being processed. | |
ENDINGBALANCE | DECIMAL | The Ending Balance is the result of adjusting the Beginning Balance by any payments or disbursements. | |
STARTINGBALANCE | DECIMAL | Starting Balance of the financial account. | |
DOCSTATUS | VARCHAR | 60 | The Document Status indicates the status of a document at this time. |
PROCESSING | CHAR | 1 | A request to process the respective document or task. |
PROCESSED | CHAR | 1 | The Processed field is indicates that a document has been processed. |
POSTED | VARCHAR | 60 | Indicates if the transaction has already been posted to the general ledger or not. |
PRINTDETAILED | CHAR | 1 | Indicates user want the detailed print. |
PRINTSUMMARY | CHAR | 1 | Print summary of an account. |
ITEM_NO | INTEGER | Item no for the financial account. | |
ITEM_AMT | DECIMAL | Item amount for the financial account | |
UNREC_NO | INTEGER | Unreconcilied bank statement lines | |
UNREC_AMT | DECIMAL | Unreconcilied bank statement lines amount. | |
PAYMENT_NO | INTEGER | Indicates the outstanding payments. | |
PAYMENT_AMT | DECIMAL | Indicates the outstanding payments amount. | |
DEPOSIT_NO | INTEGER | Indicates the outstanding deposits. | |
DEPOSIT_AMT | DECIMAL | Indicates the outstanding deposits amount. | |
FORCED_TABLE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Hidden column to set the source table id in views. |
View Definition:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW aprm_reconciliation_v AS SELECT fin_reconciliation.fin_reconciliation_id AS aprm_reconciliation_v_id, fin_reconciliation.fin_reconciliation_id, fin_reconciliation.ad_client_id, fin_reconciliation.ad_org_id, fin_reconciliation.created, fin_reconciliation.createdby, fin_reconciliation.updated, fin_reconciliation.updatedby, fin_reconciliation.isactive, fin_reconciliation.fin_financial_account_id, fin_reconciliation.documentno, fin_reconciliation.c_doctype_id, fin_reconciliation.dateto, fin_reconciliation.statementdate, fin_reconciliation.endingbalance, fin_reconciliation.startingbalance, fin_reconciliation.docstatus, fin_reconciliation.processing, fin_reconciliation.processed, fin_reconciliation.posted, fin_reconciliation.printdetailed, fin_reconciliation.printsummary, item.item_no, item.item_amt, unrec.unrec_no, unrec.unrec_amt, outstanding.payment_no, outstanding.payment_amt, outstanding.deposit_no, outstanding.deposit_amt, ( SELECT ad_table.ad_table_id FROM ad_table WHERE lower(ad_table.tablename::text) ~~ 'fin_reconciliation'::text) AS forced_table_id FROM fin_reconciliation LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fin_finacc_transaction.fin_reconciliation_id, count(*) AS item_no, COALESCE(sum(fin_finacc_transaction.depositamt - fin_finacc_transaction.paymentamt), 0::numeric) AS item_amt FROM fin_finacc_transaction GROUP BY fin_finacc_transaction.fin_reconciliation_id) item ON fin_reconciliation.fin_reconciliation_id::text = item.fin_reconciliation_id::text LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fin_bankstatement.fin_reconciliation_id, count(*) AS unrec_no, COALESCE(sum(fin_bankstatementline.cramount - fin_bankstatementline.dramount), 0::numeric) AS unrec_amt FROM fin_bankstatementline, fin_bankstatement WHERE fin_bankstatementline.fin_finacc_transaction_id IS NULL AND fin_bankstatementline.fin_bankstatement_id::text = fin_bankstatement.fin_bankstatement_id::text GROUP BY fin_bankstatement.fin_reconciliation_id) unrec ON fin_reconciliation.fin_reconciliation_id::text = unrec.fin_reconciliation_id::text LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fin_reconciliation.fin_reconciliation_id, COALESCE(sum( CASE WHEN fin_finacc_transaction.paymentamt IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0::bigint) AS payment_no, COALESCE(sum(fin_finacc_transaction.paymentamt), 0::numeric) AS payment_amt, COALESCE(sum( CASE WHEN fin_finacc_transaction.depositamt IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0::bigint) AS deposit_no, COALESCE(sum(fin_finacc_transaction.depositamt), 0::numeric) AS deposit_amt FROM fin_finacc_transaction, fin_reconciliation WHERE fin_finacc_transaction.fin_reconciliation_id IS NULL AND fin_finacc_transaction.statementdate <= fin_reconciliation.dateto GROUP BY fin_reconciliation.fin_reconciliation_id) outstanding ON fin_reconciliation.fin_reconciliation_id::text = outstanding.fin_reconciliation_id::text;
FIN_Reconciliationline_V view
FIN_Reconciliationline_V | |||
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_RECONCILIATION_V_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
FIN_FINACC_TRANSACTION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINACC_TRANSACTION indicating the financial transaction used in this transaction. |
FIN_PAYMENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT indicating the Payment it relates to. |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates the currency to be used when processing this document. |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT indicating the account from which the payment will be made. |
DATEACCT | DATE | The date this transaction is recorded for in the general ledger. | |
C_GLITEM_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicating the G/L item it relates to. |
PAYMENTAMT | DECIMAL | Amount of the transaction to be paid. | |
DEPOSITAMT | DECIMAL | Indicates the deposit amount of the transaction. | |
C_PROJECT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module. |
C_CAMPAIGN_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. |
C_ACTIVITY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing |
USER1_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. |
USER2_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. |
TRXTYPE | VARCHAR | 60 | The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. |
STATEMENTDATE | DATE | The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement being processed. | |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR | 255 | Indicates Additional related information. |
FIN_RECONCILIATION_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Reconciliation events related to the financial account |
FIN_BANKSTATEMENTLINE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Line related to the bank statement. |
View Definition:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fin_reconciliationline_v AS SELECT fin_finacc_transaction.fin_finacc_transaction_id AS fin_reconciliationline_v_id, fin_finacc_transaction.fin_finacc_transaction_id, fin_finacc_transaction.ad_client_id, fin_finacc_transaction.ad_org_id, fin_finacc_transaction.created, fin_finacc_transaction.createdby, fin_finacc_transaction.updated, fin_finacc_transaction.updatedby, fin_finacc_transaction.isactive, fin_finacc_transaction.fin_payment_id, fin_finacc_transaction.c_currency_id, fin_finacc_transaction.fin_financial_account_id, fin_finacc_transaction.dateacct, fin_finacc_transaction.c_glitem_id, fin_finacc_transaction.paymentamt, fin_finacc_transaction.depositamt, fin_finacc_transaction.c_project_id, fin_finacc_transaction.c_campaign_id, fin_finacc_transaction.c_activity_id, fin_finacc_transaction.user1_id, fin_finacc_transaction.user2_id, fin_finacc_transaction.trxtype, fin_finacc_transaction.statementdate, fin_finacc_transaction.description, fin_finacc_transaction.fin_reconciliation_id, fin_bankstatementline.fin_bankstatementline_id FROM fin_finacc_transaction LEFT JOIN fin_bankstatementline ON fin_finacc_transaction.fin_finacc_transaction_id::text = fin_bankstatementline.fin_finacc_transaction_id::text;
FIN_Payment_Sched_Inv_V view
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHED_INV_V_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
C_INVOICE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_INVOICE indicating the invoice it relates to. |
C_ORDER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_ORDER indicating the order it relates to. |
DUEDATE | DATE | The Due Date of the oldest scheduled payment. | |
FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 40 | Payment method used to clear the debt. |
EXPECTED | DECIMAL | The gross amount of the scheduled payment. | |
RECEIVED | DECIMAL | Total amount received against the scheduled payment. | |
OUTSTANDING | DECIMAL | The gross amount outstanding against the scheduled payment. | |
LASTPAYMENT | DATE | Date of the last payment event related with the payment schedule event. | |
NUMBEROFPAYMENTS | DECIMAL | Number of paymets related with the payment schedule event. | |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CURRENCY indicating the currency used for the transaction. |
View Definition:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fin_payment_sched_inv_v AS SELECT ps.fin_payment_schedule_id AS fin_payment_sched_inv_v_id, ps.ad_client_id, ps.ad_org_id, ps.isactive, ps.created, ps.createdby, ps.updated, ps.updatedby, ps.c_invoice_id, ps.c_order_id, ps.duedate, ps.fin_paymentmethod_id, ps.amount AS expected, ps.paidamt AS received, ps.outstandingamt AS outstanding, ps.c_currency_id, ( SELECT max(p.paymentdate) AS max FROM fin_payment p LEFT JOIN fin_payment_detail pd ON pd.fin_payment_id::text = p.fin_payment_id::text LEFT JOIN fin_payment_scheduledetail psd ON pd.fin_payment_detail_id::text = psd.fin_payment_detail_id::text WHERE ps.c_invoice_id IS NOT NULL AND psd.fin_payment_schedule_invoice::text = ps.fin_payment_schedule_id::text) AS lastpayment, ( SELECT count(*) AS count FROM fin_payment_detail pd, fin_payment_scheduledetail psd WHERE pd.fin_payment_detail_id::text = psd.fin_payment_detail_id::text AND ps.c_invoice_id IS NOT NULL AND psd.fin_payment_schedule_invoice::text = ps.fin_payment_schedule_id::text) AS numberofpayments FROM fin_payment_schedule ps;
FIN_Payment_Sched_Ord_V view
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHED_ORD_V_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
C_INVOICE_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_INVOICE indicating the invoice it relates to. |
C_ORDER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_ORDER indicating the order it relates to. |
DUEDATE | DATE | The Due Date of the oldest scheduled payment. | |
FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 40 | Payment method used to clear the debt. |
EXPECTED | DECIMAL | The gross amount of the scheduled payment. | |
RECEIVED | DECIMAL | Total amount received against the scheduled payment. | |
OUTSTANDING | DECIMAL | The gross amount outstanding against the scheduled payment. | |
LASTPAYMENT | DATE | Date of the last payment event related with the payment schedule event. | |
NUMBEROFPAYMENTS | DECIMAL | Number of paymets related with the payment schedule event. | |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CURRENCY indicating the currency used for the transaction. |
View Definition:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fin_payment_sched_ord_v AS SELECT ps.fin_payment_schedule_id AS fin_payment_sched_ord_v_id, ps.ad_client_id, ps.ad_org_id, ps.isactive, ps.created, ps.createdby, ps.updated, ps.updatedby, ps.c_invoice_id, ps.c_order_id, ps.duedate, ps.fin_paymentmethod_id, ps.amount AS expected, ps.paidamt AS received, ps.outstandingamt AS outstanding, ps.c_currency_id, ( SELECT max(p.paymentdate) AS max FROM fin_payment p LEFT JOIN fin_payment_detail pd ON pd.fin_payment_id::text = p.fin_payment_id::text LEFT JOIN fin_payment_scheduledetail psd ON pd.fin_payment_detail_id::text = psd.fin_payment_detail_id::text WHERE ps.c_order_id IS NOT NULL AND psd.fin_payment_schedule_order::text = ps.fin_payment_schedule_id::text) AS lastpayment, ( SELECT count(*) AS count FROM fin_payment_detail pd, fin_payment_scheduledetail psd WHERE pd.fin_payment_detail_id::text = psd.fin_payment_detail_id::text AND ps.c_order_id IS NOT NULL AND psd.fin_payment_schedule_order::text = ps.fin_payment_schedule_id::text) AS numberofpayments FROM fin_payment_schedule ps;
FIN_Payment_Detail_V view
Column Name | Type | Length | Comments |
FIN_PAYMENT_DETAIL_V_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | The primary key of the table that must follow the table name followed by the _ID. |
AD_CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which client (company) the record belongs to. |
AD_ORG_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicates which organization (city/department/location) within a client a record belongs to. |
ISACTIVE | CHAR | 1 | Intended for deactivating records that are not valid anymore but are referenced within the system and hence cannot be deleted. |
CREATED | DATE | Date/time of creation of a record. | |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that created this record. |
UPDATED | DATE | Date/time of last update of a record. | |
UPDATEDBY | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to AD_USER indicating the user that last updated this record. |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHED_INV_V_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicating the payment scheduled invoice used for the transaction. |
FIN_PAYMENT_SCHED_ORD_V_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Indicating the payment scheduled order used for the transaction. |
INVOICENO | VARCHAR | 30 | Indicating the invoice number of the transaction. |
ORDERNO | VARCHAR | 30 | Indicating the order number of the transaction. |
PAYMENTNO | VARCHAR | 30 | Indicating the payment number of the transaction. |
FIN_PAYMENT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_PAYMENT indicating the user that last updated this record. |
DUEDATE | DATE | Date upon the payment is due. | |
INVOICEDAMT | NUMERIC | Indicating the invoiced amount of the transaction. | |
EXPECTED | NUMERIC | The gross amount of the scheduled payment. | |
PAIDAMT | NUMERIC | Amount that has already been paid. | |
C_BPARTNER_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_BPARTNER indicating the BPartner it relates to. |
PAYMENTDATE | DATE | Date of payment event. | |
FIN_PAYMENTMETHOD_ID | VARCHAR | 40 | Payment method used to clear the debt. |
FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to FIN_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT indicating the account from which the payment will be made. |
C_CURRENCY_ID | VARCHAR | 32 | Foreign key to C_CURRENCY indicating the currency used in this transaction. |
View Definition:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fin_payment_detail_v AS SELECT psd.fin_payment_scheduledetail_id AS fin_payment_detail_v_id,psd.ad_client_id, psd.ad_org_id, psd.isactive, psd.created, psd.createdby, psd.updated, psd.updatedby, psi.fin_payment_sched_inv_v_id, pso.fin_payment_sched_ord_v_id, i.documentno AS invoiceno, o.documentno AS orderno, p.documentno AS paymentno, pd.fin_payment_id, COALESCE(psi.duedate, pso.duedate) AS duedate, COALESCE(i.grandtotal, o.grandtotal) AS invoicedamt, COALESCE(psi.expected, pso.expected) AS expected, psd.amount AS paidamt, p.c_bpartner_id,p.fin_paymentmethod_id, p.fin_financial_account_id, p.c_currency_id, p.paymentdate FROM fin_payment p, fin_payment_detail pd, fin_payment_scheduledetail psd LEFT JOIN fin_payment_sched_inv_v psi ON psd.fin_payment_schedule_invoice::text = psi.fin_payment_sched_inv_v_id::text LEFT JOIN c_invoice i ON psi.c_invoice_id::text = i.c_invoice_id::text LEFT JOIN fin_payment_sched_ord_v pso ON psd.fin_payment_schedule_order::text = pso.fin_payment_sched_ord_v_id::text LEFT JOIN c_order o ON pso.c_order_id::text = o.c_order_id::text WHERE p.fin_payment_id::text = pd.fin_payment_id::text AND pd.fin_payment_detail_id::text = psd.fin_payment_detail_id::text;