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As shown in the image above, there are two types of "Price List Versions":

  • generic and original ones linked to the "Default Price List Schema"
  • further price list versions (not based on the cost) which requires both:
    • a Price List Schema
    • and a Base Price List version
  • price list versions based on cost requires a Price List Schema with Cost configuration in Base list price and Base unit price.

The process button named "Create Price List" must be used only in the case of creating futher price list version as it requires a Base Price List if the price list is not based on cost. If the price list is based on cost is mandatory to select the price list schema and optionally the base version.

  • if Base version is blank, the application calculates the unit price and list price for all the products (excluding discounts products) plus the margin defined.
  • if Base version value selected, the application calculates the unit price and list price for all the products defined in base price list as cost plus margin.