Screenshot:Maintenance Plan

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Maintenance Plan

Add and edit predefined maintenance plans.


Create and edit maintenance tasks for a specific date.

  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Maintenance Type : A set of maintenances which can be performed on a machine.
  • Maintenance : The act of ensuring the proper working order for a specified item.
  • Maintenance Task : A description to help explain a specified maintenance task.
  • Planned Date
  • Shift : A partition of the workday into intervals.
  • Machine Category : A distinct machine characteristic used for processes.
  • Machine : A tool use to aid in or fully complete a task.
  • Description : A space to write additional related information.
  • Confirmation : An indication that an action is accepted and will be completed as planned.
  • Maintenance Order : A distinct characteristic of a machine used for processes and sometimes grouped within a category.
  • Result : The Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request.
  • Time Used
  • Comments : A space to write additional related information.
  • Internal Consumption : An indication that an item will not be sold, but rather used internally.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Scheduled Maintenance
  • Client : Client for this installation.
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