Costing Error Message

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Daftar semua error yang akan mungkin akan tampil pada saat proses Calculate Costing dan cara menyelesaikannya.
Pada dasar proses Costing dilakukan oleh background process namun dengan dibuatnya fitur baru Costing By Product dimana terdapat button di window product untuk menjalankan Calculate Cost per product sehingga end user dapat langsung melakukan troubleshooting atau perbaikan secara cepat.

Costing Error Log juga ditampilan secara massal untuk semua product di window Costing Error Log selain di tampilkan untuk masing-masing pada window Product.

Error Message Log

Transaction Type Process Possible Error How to solve
Receipt Return,
Receipt Negative,
Inventory Decrease,
Internal Movement From,
Internal Consumption
Cost is getting by search average costing record of the product with costing start date is smaller or same with transaction process date, and costing end date is larger than transaction process date.

Sample query :
CostingDateFrom <= TransactionProcessDate
CostingDateTo > TransactionProcessDate
CostingType = ‘AVA’
CostingCost != null

@NoAverageCostDefined@ @NoAverageCostDefined@ = create costing record on tab costing with setup like on the sample Query
ShipmentReturn Method to calculate cost of Returned Shipments. Cost is calculated based on the cost of the original receipt.
When no receipt is found the default cost is returned (Purchase Price List of the product)
@NoPriceListOrStandardCostForProduct@ @NoPriceListOrStandardCostForProduct@ = Because the transaction costing is average there is no way to create standard cost, the way to solve it is to create valid Purchase Price List (if the error still occur please check price list valid date and compare to transaction date). If the transaction have business partner, it might get purchase price list from business partner.
ShipmentVoid Cost is get from transaction of canceled Shipment line on the date it is canceled. @NoCanceledLineFoundForTrx@ @NoCanceledLineFoundForTrx@ = canceled line should be auto generate when change document status to void.
Calculates the cost of a negative Shipment line. By default if the product is purchased the cost is based on its Purchase Price List. @NoPriceListOrStandardCostForProduct@ @NoPriceListOrStandardCostForProduct@ = Because the transaction costing is average there is no way to create standard cost, the way to solve it is to create valid Purchase Price List (if the error still occur please check price list valid date and compare to transaction date).
If the transaction have business partner, it might get purchase price list from business partner.
InternalConsVoid Cost is get from original transction of internal consumption. The cost flow is on InternalCons part. n/a n/a
Receipt calculates the cost of a Receipt line based on its related order price. When no order is found, the cost based on the newer of the following three values is returned:
1. Last purchase order price of the receipt's vendor for the product,
2. Purchase pricelist of Business Partner.
@NoPriceListOrStandardCostForProduct@ @NoPriceListOrStandardCostForProduct@ = Because the transaction costing is average there is no way to create standard cost, the way to solve it is to create valid Purchase Price List (if the error still occur please check price list valid date and compare to transaction date).
If the transaction have business partner, it might get purchase price list from business partner.
ReceiptVoid get the cost from transaction of canceled Shipment line on the date it is canceled. NoCanceledLineFoundForTrx @NoCanceledLineFoundForTrx@ = canceled line should be auto generate when change document status to void.
• Cost is get by Calculates the total cost amount of a physical inventory(column cost on table M_InventoryLine) and multiply it with Movement Quantity.

When there is no cost on M_ InventoryLine Default Cost is used (Purchase Price List of the product).

@NoPriceListOrStandardCostForProduct@ @NoPriceListOrStandardCostForProduct@ = Because the transaction costing is average there is no way to create standard cost, the way to solve it is to create valid Purchase Price List (if the error still occur please check price list valid date and compare to transaction date). If the transaction have business partner, it might get purchase price list from business partner.ple
IntMovementTo • Calculates the total cost amount of an incoming internal movement. The cost amount is the same than the related outgoing transaction(Movement From). The outgoing transaction(Movement From) cost is calculated if it has not been yet. NoInternalMovementTransactionFound @NoInternalMovementTransactionFound@ = this should cannot be happen, because the transaction is always come in pair. Example : Movement From and Movement To Transaction.
BomPart (Production Plan, product that consumed as part to make a product) • First the process is calculate other pending WIP BOM Transaction, after done calculate pending cost, Cost is getting by search average costing record of the product with costing start date is smaller or same with transaction process date, and costing end date is larger than transaction process date.

Sample query :
CostingDateFrom <= TransactionProcessDate
CostingDateTo > TransactionProcessDate
CostingType = ‘AVA’
CostingCost != null

@NoAverageCostDefined@ @NoAverageCostDefined@ = create costing record on tab costing with setup like on the sample Query.
BomProduct (Production Plan, product that will be Produced) Cost of BomProduct is getting by calculate all BomPart(-P) then sum all the cost of the part. n/a n/a
ManufacturingConsumed (Work Effort) First the process run MA_PRODUCTION_COST function if the transaction productionLine is not calculated yet. Then cost is get from column Calccost on table M_ProductionLine that has been calculate when run the function before. If Column Calccost is null then return 0 as cost. n/a n/a
ManufacturingProduced (Work Effort) • Same like ManufacturingConsumed, First the process run MA_PRODUCTION_COST function if the transaction productionLine is not calculated yet.
Then cost is get from column Calccost on table M_ProductionLine that has been calculate when run the function before.
If Column Calccost is null then return 0 as cost.

Note :
The Different is, the cost is Multiply with Movement Quantity.

n/a n/a
Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example

Another Attention during TroubleShooting of Costing

Perlu memastikan beberapa parameter berikut:
1. Pada M Product Transaction is processed harus "No"
2. Pada M Product Transaction costing status harus "NC"
3. Costing Rule harus di set pada Organization yang sesuai
4. Pada menu Preference, costing start date harus di set valuenya
5. Product Type Harus "I"
6. Product Harust Stocked

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