How to Migrate Sources Format (since 3.0PR19Q1)

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Who should read this document

This document is important for developers that:

  • Want to work with a pi repository (after changest 4590a05 introduced in 3.0PR19Q1).
  • Want to backport some code to a release previous to 3.0PR19Q1.
  • Want to merge a branch created before changest 4590a05.
  • Want to update the format of a module to be adapted to the new formatting rules used in Openbravo.

Starting from 3.0PR19Q1, Openbravo sources are formatted differently than they were before. Here you can find why and what changed in Java sources.

Workspace migration

  1. If required update Eclipse. Minimum supported Eclipse version is Photon (4.8), although the latest Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers release is recommended.
  2. Reimport preferences.
  3. Open Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter and ensure that:
    1. Active profile field is set to Openbravo.
    2. Formatter implementation field is set to Eclipse [built-in]. Note this field only appear if you have installed Luna Formatter plugin, which is no longer required.

Applying new format


From Eclipse (this is the recommended approach to format complete modules):

  • Select the files/packages to apply the new format.
  • Select Source > Clean Up....
    • Check Use custom profile.
    • Configure... custom profile to have selected
      • Convert control statement bodies to block
      • Add missing '@Override' annotations
      • Add missing '@Override' annotations to implementations of interface methods
      • Add missing '@Deprecated' annotations
    • Click Finish to execute.
  • Execute Source > Format.

From command line (this is the recommended approach to format before backporting or merging):

Bulbgraph.png   Formatting from command line will not apply Clean Up step defined above. This usually should not be a big problem for merges and backports; but if many conflicts appear due to the lack of that clean up, execute it first from Eclipse.
  • Get preferences file: wget
  • Apply format to desired files: eclipse -nosplash -verbose -data [path_to_eclipse_workspace] -application org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCodeFormatter -config OB-eclipse-format.prefs [files_to_format]. Where:
    • eclipse: is the eclipse binary.
    • [path_to_eclipse_workspace]: is the directory where the eclipse workspace is in (where .metadata is present).
    • [files_to_format]: when formatting for backports or merges, in order to reduce the changeset as much as possible, these files should be only the ones modified by the original patch or project. In case of merges, you can apply directly the mercurial command documented below as follows: eclipse -nosplash -verbose -data [path_to_eclipse_workspace] -application org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCodeFormatter -config OB-eclipse-format.prefs $(hg out ...)

Sources migration

Working with pi

Just migrate your workspace, nothing else is required.


When backporting a changeset to an older release that has not been formatted with the new rules, it is generally easier to apply the new formatting first to do the backport later. In order to make the changesets more readable, this should be split into two commits: one for the reformatting and another one for the backport itself.


Before merging a branch that started in a changest where new formatting is not applied yet, it is highly recommendable to format before doing the merge, in this way, conflicts will be prevented.

  • In your branch before merging, apply new formatting, you can apply it only to the files that have been modified in your branch. The list of modified files can be obtained as:
    • If you merged at pi to your repo at least once since the branch was created: hg log -r 'p2(last(merge())):.' -T '{files} ' | sed 's# #\n#g' | sort | uniq
    • If there are no merges: hg out -q -T '{files} ' | sed 's# #\n#g' | sort | uniq
  • Commit these changes.
  • Do the merge normally.


It's decision of each module owner when to apply new formatting rules.