Installation/Custom/Download Tarball

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<currentversion type="link"> The Openbravo source tarball is only available for Openbravo customers. To get access please contact Openbravo support.

The file is just used during the installation and not later on so can be downloaded into i.e. the /tmp directory.

To unpack it we recommend to use /opt/OpenbravoERP as default path. That is not technically required but to standardize the location across installations.

It is important to have all files owned by the correct user which is used to compile openbravo as explained before in the Tomcat section.

<currentversion type="link"> <source lang="bash">sudo su -

  1. download sources and put file into /tmp folder
  1. uncompress sources

cd /tmp tar xvf openbravo-#version#.tar.xz

  1. move them to target folder and change owner to correct user

mv /tmp/Openbravo-#version# /opt/OpenbravoERP chown openbravo: -R /opt/OpenbravoERP </source> </currentversion>

If you are using Windows, make sure you uncompress this file with a tool capable of managing long file names, like 7-zip. Using 7-zip is the recommended option for Windows users.