Installation/Custom/Mercurial Clone

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<currentversion type="link">

Openbravo source code is only available for Openbravo Customers. To get access please contact Openbravo support.

After getting the access you need to first install the Mercurial client.

Once the Mercurial client is installed, move to the directory to which you want to check out the source code.

We recommend to use /opt/OpenbravoERP as default path. That is not technically required but to standardize the location across installations.

It is important to have all files owned by the correct user which is used to compile openbravo as explained before in the Tomcat section.

To check out the latest source code tag, type the command:

<source lang="bash">sudo su -

  1. Create folder with correct owner

mkdir /opt/OpenbravoERP chown openbravo: /opt/OpenbravoERP

  1. Clone source code from repo with correct user

su - openbravo cd /opt/OpenbravoERP hg clone <Openbravo Code URL> . hg up #version# </source>
