Screenshot:Tables and Columns
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Tables and Columns
Edit tables and columns so that Openbravo can access the database, as well as control the role access.
Define tables that Openbravo can access in the database.
- Data Package : Links a table to a package
- Name : A non-unique identifier for a record/document often used as a search tool.
- Data Origin : Field to specify the type of data origin: physical table/view or datasource
- DB Table Name : Name of the table in the database
- Java Class Name : The classname is used when generating a representation of the table in java (the entity or business object). The classname is the simplename of the class (so without the package name). Often the can be used here.
- Datasource : Datasource used to feed the table
- Data Access Level : Indicates what type of data (in terms of AD_CLIENT and AD_ORG data columns) can be entered or viewed.
- Description : A space to write additional related information.
- Help/Comment : A comment that adds additional information to help users work with fields.
- Window : A work area which can be used to create, view, edit, and process a record.
- PO Window : Purchase Order Window
- View : This is a view
- Deletable Records : Indicates if records can be deleted from the database
- High Volume : Use Search instead of Pick list
- Fully Audited : Maitain Audit Trail for this table
- Audit Inserts : If this flag is checked, if when a record is inserted in an audited table the initial value of all its columns will be saved in the audit table
- Acct date column
- Create Columns from DB : Create Dictionary Columns of Table not existing as a Column but in the Database
- Acct class name
- Type Area : Element this tree is built on (i.e Product, Business Partner)
- Development Status : Development Status
- Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
- Is Tree : Defines if the data of this table wants to be displayed hierarchically
- HQL Query : HQL query used to populate the table
- Entity Alias
- Table : A dictionary table used for this tab that points to the database table.
- SQL_Record_Identifier : SQL_Record_Identifier
- Organization : Organizational entity within client
- Client : Client for this installation.
Define columns within a table that Openbravo can access in the database.
- Module : Module
- DB Column Name : The name of a column within the database.
- Process Definition : Process to be executed by the button
- Name : A non-unique identifier for a record/document often used as a search tool.
- Length : An indication of the column length as defined in the database.
- Reference : The data type of this field.
- Reference Search Key : The exact reference specification for a list or a table.
- Validation : A validation rule that defines how an entry is determined to be valid or invalid.
- Validate on New : Validations and callouts are executed when a new record is created.
- Process : A series of actions carried out in sequential order.
- Triggers Autosave : Defines if a button triggers autosave or not
- Min. Value : The lowest possible value an object can take.
- Max. Value : The highest possible value an item can have.
- Mandatory : An indication noting that completing in a field is required to proceed.
- Updatable : An indication that an item can be updated by the user.
- Stored in Session : Is session attribute
- Key Column : This column is the key in this table
- Link to Parent Column : This column is a link to the parent table (e.g. header from lines) - incl. Association key columns
- Callout : A series of actions that occur when data is modified.
- Used as Record Identifier : This column is part of the record identifier
- Sequence Number : The order of records in a specified document.
- Description : A space to write additional related information.
- Help/Comment : A comment that adds additional information to help users work with fields.
- Application Element : An element that consolidates help, descriptions and terms for a database column and allows for a central maintenance.
- Default Value : The first non-null value in a set of values. It is used as a default value for a field when creating a record.
- Read Only Logic : Logic to determine if field is read only (applies only when field is read-write)
- Translation : An indication that an item is translated.
- Transient : Mark if a column is transient and will be ignored when comparing data
- Transient Condition : Java expression that will be evaluated and if the result is false, the column will be marked as transient
- Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
- Development Status : Development Status
- Exclude Audit : Exclude column from audit
- Image Size Values Action
- Image Width
- Image Height
- Use Automatic Sequence : Use Automatic Sequence
- Display Encription : An indication noting if the input box of a field will present full text or just asterisks.
- De-encryptable : Is desencryptable
- Sqllogic : This field is used to define a computed column. A computed column is a column of a table which is computed using a sql expression and which does not exist explicitly in the database schema.
- Clause Left Part : The left part definition of a column in an HQL query.
- Allow Sorting : When this checkbox is checked, the column will be sortable.
- Allow Filtering : When this checkbox is checked, the column will be filterable.
- Allow Cross Organization Reference
- Used as Filter Column : Is this column used for finding rows in windows
- Table : A dictionary table used for this tab that points to the database table.
- Secondary Key : Is secondary key
- Position : Determines the physical column position
- Organization : Organizational entity within client
- Column : A link to the database column of the table.
- Client : Client for this installation.
- Callout Function : A series of actions that occur when data is modified.
Role Access
Edit role access to a particular table.
- Role : The profile of security for the user defining what windows and tabs they can see.
- Exclude : A selection permitting or denying a role access to specified data.
- Read Only : An object which may only be viewed, not edited.
- Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
- Inherited From : Inherited From
- Table Access
- Table : A dictionary table used for this tab that points to the database table.
- Organization : Organizational entity within client
- Client : Client for this installation.
Table Tree Category
Once a tree table has defined a table tree category, it can be used in tree referenced and the tree view will be available when the table is displayed in a tab.
- Organization : Organizational entity within client
- Module : Module
- Name : A non-unique identifier for a record/document often used as a search tool.
- Tree Structure : Inner structure of the tree
- Table : A dictionary table used for this tab that points to the database table.
- Is Ordered : Defines if the tree is ordered
- Is Parent Selection Allowed : Defines if parent nodes can be selected when using a tree reference
- Is Main Tree : Flag to specify if this is the main tree of the table
- Apply HQL Where Clause To Child Nodes : Defines if the tab where clause should be applied to non root nodes
- Link to Parent Column : For Link to Parent tables: column that points to the node id of the parent node
- Node ID Column : For Link to Parent tables: column that represents the id of the node
- Has Multiparent Nodes : Allows to define if a node can have several parents
- Handle Nodes Manually : If this flag is checked the creation and deletion of tree nodes will be handled manually.
- Node Deletion Policy : It defines the behavior when a node item is deleted
- Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
- Datasource : Datasource used to feed the table
- Table Tree Category : Table tree structure to be used in this tab
- Client : Client for this installation.
Configuration of the rules that a window's link has to meet to reach a tab. The rules are in short HQL where clauses in which "e" is the current table.
- Organization : Organizational entity within client
- Module : Module
- Sequence Number : The order of records in a specified document.
- Navigate to Tab : An indication that a tab is displayed within a window.
- Direct Navigation : The rule does not need to comply an HQL Logic
- HQL Logic : HQL where clause that the destination row has to meet in order to open the specified tab of the rule
- Field : Any element which can be viewed, edited, or added to a window.
- Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
- Table : A dictionary table used for this tab that points to the database table.
- Client : Client for this installation.
- AD_Table_Navigation_ID : A table navigation row is a rule that makes the links of Openbravo wich have that table as a reference navigate to a custom tab
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