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As shown in the image above, a price list or a price list version can be created by just entering below relevant informacion:

  • By selecting the field "Sales Price List" it will be for sales transactions, otherwise it will be a purchase price list.
  • Default field allows to define a given price list as the default one to be used in case a business partner does not have a specific price list assigned.
  • Price list based on cost, this field is shown if the price list is a Sales Price List. This option allows to create a price list base on the cost price plus a margin.
    • the cost price is the one defined in the Costing tab of the product window.
    • the margin is defined in the Price List Schema window.
    • when the price list is a price list based on cost, the price list schema should be configured with cost and a margin.
  • Price includes taxes. This flag is very important and depending on this the behaviour of sales and procurement flows will be affected.
    • If it is marked then the price defined is the gross unit price
    • If it is not marked then the price defined is the net unit price

How this affects the flows?

  • When the price list includes taxes the gross unit price and line gross amount are filled and the net unit price is calculated based on the gross unit price and the corresponding tax rate. What cannot be changed is the gross and due to this it might be some rounding issues that the system automatically handles adding or subtracting these differences in the tax amount. You can find a complete description of this process in the How Price Including Taxes are Calculated document.

As an example : If price inclusive of tax is originally 135.50 and rate is 4.5 % then the rounded price before tax would be 129.67

The order line would stay:

Quantity: 1 Net Unit Price: 129.67 Line Net Amount: 129.67 Gross Unit Price: 135.50 Line Gross Amount: 135.50

But the total gross amount (calculated by the system) would be 135.51 (tax base amount:129.67 + tax amount:5.84) and what it has to be clear is that the final result must be 135.50 (The customer bought 1 unit which price is 135.50). This difference is going to be solved adjusting taxes:

The system will adjust the difference summing or subtracting this difference with the tax that has the highest amount. So in this example instead of having a tax line where the amount is 5.84€, the amount will be 5.83€ (5.84-0.01)

So finally the total gross amount for the sales order would be 135.50 (129.67+5.83) which is the desire amount

Due to this (Net amount vs Gross amount) when using prices that include taxes we recommend to work with greater precision (price precision) to avoid rounding differences

  • When the price list does not include taxes the gross unit price and line gross amount fields are not displayed and both fields are not calculated at all in the line of the document. The final gross amount of the document will be the result of the sum of the lines net amounts plus the tax amounts
  • The price list is defined at document level (header) so there cannot be lines where the price includes taxes and others where not. This is clear for orders but for invoices where orders can be grouped in one just invoice the rule is also applied. One invoice cannot have orders where the price list includes taxes and orders where the price list does not include taxes