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The fields to note are:

  • Business Partner: if a business partner is entered only the documents due to that business partner will be proposed.
  • Payment Method: if a payment method is entered only the documents having that payment method assigned will be proposed, however pending invoices or orders linked to different payment methods can also be selected by clearing the implicit filters applied (by clicking in the funnel icon.).
  • Paying From: it is possible to select the Financial Account which has the above payment method configured from where we need to take the money out.
  • Currency: it is possible to select a currency if the payment method selected is configured to allow making payments in multiple currencies. If that is the case a field is shown which allows to enter the "Exchange Rate" between the document's currency and the financial account's currency.
  • Incl. documents up to this date: This field allows to enter a date therefore the documents of the proposal will have a due date on or before the given date.

The Select Expected Payments header button displays the documents that match the selection criteria entered above.
Notice that the data shown in the grid is filtered using the previous criteria (implicit filter). In order to see pending invoices or orders of a different Payment Method for instance it is necessary to clear the filters by clicking in the funnel icon.


Besides, the "Select Expected Payments" window allows to:

  • enter a "Supplier Reference" if any
  • modify the "Payment" amount if the amount to pay is less than the outstanding amount
  • and select the "Write-off" check-box to write-off the difference between the outstanding amount and the payment amount entered.

per each document/raw selected.

The "Submit" button finishes the process and gets that the selection is populated in the Lines tab.

Finally, the Generate Payments header button allows to take to actions:

  • either to group separate payments for the same vendor into one payment,
    this option allows to group pending orders/invoice of the same vendor to be paid in one payment transaction.
  • or group all orders/invoices into one payment,
    this option allows to group pending orders/invoice to be paid in one payment transaction, regardless the vendor.

Once executed:

  • A system message displays the created payment's number/s.
  • The payment summary information is reflected in the Status Bar of the Payment Proposal window.
  • The Payment Out Plan and the Payment Monitor information of all the documents involved is updated.
  • Finally, the Payment Status changes to Awaiting Execution when an Automatic Execution Type is defined or to Payment Made if the execution is Manual. If there is an execution process defined, it can be run by clicking the Execute Payment button.