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Accounting Schema

An accounting schema is set of accounting rules to be used while posting transactions in an organization. Accounting rules such as the currency and the account tree to use while posting transactions to the ledger.

Accounting Schema

Accounting Schema

The accounting schema window allows you to review and maintain imported accounting schemas and to create new ones if needed.

  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Name : A non-unique identifier for a record/document often used as a search tool.
  • Description : A space to write additional related information.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Accounting Standard : Accounting Standard
  • Currency : An accepted medium of monetary exchange that may vary across countries.
  • Element separator : Element Separator
  • Allow negative : Allow negative entries in credit and debit
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Accounting Schema : The structure used in accounting including costing methods, currencies, and the calendar.

Account Schema Element

Account Schema Element

The account schema element tab list the accounting dimensions selected while running either the Initial Client Setup process or the Initial Organization Setup process. It is always possible to add additional accounting dimensions to the list.

  • Sequence Number : The order of records in a specified document.
  • Name : A non-unique identifier for a record/document often used as a search tool.
  • Type : A distinct item characteristic used for processes and sometimes grouped within a category.
  • Trx Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Account Tree : A unique identifier of the Account Tree.
  • Balanced : Balanced
  • Mandatory : An indication noting that completing in a field is required to proceed.
  • Account Element : A identification code for an account type.
  • Product : An item produced by a process.
  • Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc.
  • Location / Address : A specific place or residence.
  • Sales Region : A defined section of the world where sales efforts will be focused.
  • Project : Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module.
  • Sales Campaign : An advertising effort aimed at increasing sales.
  • Activity : A distinct activity defined and used in activity based management.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Acct.Schema Element : Acct.Schema Element
  • Accounting Schema : The structure used in accounting including costing methods, currencies, and the calendar.

Account Schema Tables

Account Schema Tables

Account schema tables allows to define which tables and therefore transactions generate accounting and which ones not.

  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Table : A dictionary table used for this tab that points to the database table.
  • Accounting Template : Accounting Template
  • Disable for Background : Disables the selected table for accounting in background process
  • SQL Description : Acct description
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Acctschema table : Acctschema table
  • Accounting Schema : The structure used in accounting including costing methods, currencies, and the calendar.


Documents tab allows to define which document types within a table type allow negative posting at document level and whether they use a different accounting process than the default one based on a given accounting template.

  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Document Category : A classification of document types that are shown and processed in the same window.
  • Allow negative : Allow negative entries in credit and debit
  • Accounting Template : Accounting Template
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • C_AcctSchema_Table_DocType_ID
  • Acctschema table : Acctschema table


It is possible to assign additional accounting process to be run after the standar one for a given accounting schema.

  • Sequence Number : The order of records in a specified document.
  • Accounting Post_Process : Accounting process to be executed at posting time
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Isdataset
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Accounting Schema Post_Process : Process to be executed at posting time
  • Accounting Schema : The structure used in accounting including costing methods, currencies, and the calendar.

General Ledger

General Ledger

General ledger tab allows to define defult accounts to be used while posting certain type of transactions if applicable.

  • Suspense Balancing Use : Use Suspense Balancing
  • Suspense Balancing : Suspense Balancing Account
  • Retained Earning : Retained Earning Account
  • Suspense Error Use : Use Suspense Error
  • Suspense Error : Suspense Error Account
  • Income Summary : Income Summary Account
  • Currency Balancing Use : Use Currency Balancing
  • Currency Balancing Acct. : Account used when a currency is out of balance
  • CFS Order Account : Cash Flow Statement Order Account
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Reverse Permanent Account Balances : Reverse Permanent Account Balances
  • PPV Offset : Purchase Price Variance Offset Account
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Due from Intercompany : Intercompany Due From / Receivables Account
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Accounting schema GL : The General Ledger defines error and balance handling to use as well as the necessary accounts for posting to General Ledger.
  • Accounting Schema : The structure used in accounting including costing methods, currencies, and the calendar.


Default tab allows to maintain or to add a complete set of default accounts to be used while posting certain transactions types.

Financial Account Defaults

Default accounts for the financial accounts in this accounting schema

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