Screenshot:Sales Order

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Sales Order

A sales order is a document that specifies products and/or services ordered by a specific business partner (customer), as well as the price and terms and conditions.


The sales order header allows to create a sales order and process it when ready.

  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Transaction Document : The specific document type which should be used for the document.
  • Document No. : An often automatically generated identifier for all documents.
  • Order Date : The time listed on the order.
  • Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc.
  • Partner Address : The location of the selected business partner.
  • Price List : A catalog of selected items with prices defined generally or for a specific partner.
  • Scheduled Delivery Date : The date that a task, process, or action is to be completed or delivered by.
  • Payment Method : It is the method by which payment is expected to be made or received.
  • Payment Terms : The setup and timing defined to complete a specified payment.
  • Warehouse : The location where products arrive to or are sent from.
  • Invoice Terms : Frequency and method of invoicing
  • Document Status : The Document Status indicates the status of a document at this time.
  • Total Gross Amount : The final monetary amount (including taxes) charge listed in a document.
  • Total Net Amount : The final sum of all line totals made to a specified document or transaction (not including taxes).
  • Currency : An accepted medium of monetary exchange that may vary across countries.
  • User/Contact : An acquaintance to reach for information related to the business partner.
  • Document Type : A value defining what sequence and process setup are used to handle this document.
  • Reservation Status
  • Order Reference : A reference or document order number as listed in business partner application.
  • Sales Representative : The person in charge of a document.
  • Description : A space to write additional related information.
  • Invoice Address : The location where the invoice payment request will be sent.
  • Delivery Location : The specific place or address an order will be shipped to or carried out from.
  • Alternate Delivery Location : Different delivery location where to deliver the order
  • Add Payment : Add Payment button.
  • Process Order : Process Order
  • Copy Lines : Browse history of this particular document type for the selected business partner to be able to select lines (products) from these.
  • Copy from Orders : Copy lines from orders
  • Delivery Method : The desired means of getting requested goods to a business partner.
  • Shipping Company : The name of the company making the shipment.
  • Delivery Terms : A definition stating when a specific delivery will occur.
  • Freight Cost Rule : The calculation method used when charging freight.
  • Freight Amount : The charge amount for a specified shipment.
  • Print Discount : An option to have any discount printed on the invoice.
  • Priority : A defined level of importance or precedence.
  • Sales Campaign : An advertising effort aimed at increasing sales.
  • Charge Amount : The amount of a cost or expense incurred during business activity.
  • Charge : A cost or expense incurred during business activity.
  • Activity : A distinct activity defined and used in activity based management.
  • Trx Organization : The organization which performs or initiates the transaction.
  • Quotation
  • Delivery Status : Delivery Status
  • Invoice Status
  • Calculate Promotions
  • Canceled Order : Link to the order that has been canceled
  • Replaced Order : Link to the order that has been replaced
  • Replacement Order : Link to the replacement order. This order is the order that has replaced the current Cancelled order.
  • Is Canceled : The Sales Order has been canceled or cancelled and replaced.
  • CRM Reference : This field stores the business partner reference to an external CRM system
  • Project : Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module.
  • Cost Center : Division that adds to the cost of an organization
  • Asset : An item which is owned and exchangeable for cash.
  • 1st Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • 2nd Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • Cancel and Replace : Button that creates a temporal duplicated order
  • Confirm Cancel and Replace : Button that confirms the temporal Order by closing it and creates a canceled order
  • Self-Service : Self-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality.
  • Selected
  • Sales Transaction : An indication that a transfer of goods and money between business partners is occurring.
  • Sales Order : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order.
  • Re-invoice : An indication that a transaction may be invoiced to a business partner.
  • Processed : A confirmation that the associated documents or requests are processed.
  • Process Order : Process Order
  • Print : A reference stating whether or not the document has been printed at any time in the past.
  • Posted : An accounting status button that indicates if the transaction has already been posted to the general ledger or not.
  • Incoterms
  • INCOTERMS description
  • Form of Payment : The method used for payment of this transaction.
  • Drop Ship Partner : Business Partner for Drop Shipment
  • Drop Ship Location : Business Partner Shipment Location for Drop Shipment
  • Drop Ship Contact : Business Partner Contact for Drop Shipment
  • Delivery notes
  • Delivered
  • Date printed : Date the document was printed.
  • Copy Product Template : Copy products from the business partner's template of that sales order.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Accounting Date : The date this transaction is recorded for in the general ledger.


Lines tab allows to add the products to be included in your sales order. Each product is added by creating a line.

  • Line No. : A line stating the position of this request in the document.
  • Product : An item produced by a process.
  • Operative Quantity : The number of a certain item involved in the transaction, according to the defined Operative UOM.
  • Alternative UOM : A non monetary unit of measure.
  • Ordered Quantity : The number of an item involved in a transaction, given in standard units. It is used to determine price per unit.
  • UOM : A non monetary unit of measure.
  • Attribute Set Value : An attribute associated with a product as part of an attribute set.
  • Net Unit Price : The price that will be paid for a specified item.
  • Gross Unit Price : Price inclusive of taxes
  • Line Net Amount : The final amount of a specified line, based only on quantities and prices.
  • Line Gross Amount : Gross Amount for a line
  • Tax : The percentage of money requested by the government for this specified product or transaction.
  • Net List Price : The official net price of a product in a specified currency.
  • Gross List Price
  • Discount : Discount in percent
  • Warehouse Rule
  • Description : A space to write additional related information.
  • Replaced Order Line : Link to the Order that has been replaced
  • Stock Reservation
  • Alternate Taxable Amount : The total sum on which taxes are added.
  • Invoiced Quantity : The total number of a product included in an invoice to a business partner.
  • Delivered Quantity : Delivered Quantity
  • Order Date : The time listed on the order.
  • Scheduled Delivery Date : The date that a task, process, or action is to be completed or delivered by.
  • Warehouse : The location where products arrive to or are sent from.
  • Reserved Quantity : Reserved Quantity
  • Shipping Company : The name of the company making the shipment.
  • Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc.
  • Direct shipment : Ship direct from Vendor to Customer
  • Freight Amount : The charge amount for a specified shipment.
  • Partner Address : The location of the selected business partner.
  • Cancel Promotions : Used to activate or deactive promotions for each line
  • Order UOM : The unit of measure being used for the request.
  • Order Quantity : The number of a certain item involved in the transaction, shown in units which differ from the standard UOM.
  • Base Net Unit Price
  • Base Gross Unit Price
  • Edit Line Net Amount : A flag used to allow the end-user to edit Line Net Amount field.
  • Reservation Status
  • Quotation Line
  • Manage Reservation
  • Print Description : If selected, the ticket footer printing should add the description of the Service
  • Overdue Return Days : Indicates if a Service is Returnable how many days has the customer to return it after buying
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Project : Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module.
  • Cost Center : Division that adds to the cost of an organization
  • Asset : An item which is owned and exchangeable for cash.
  • 1st Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • 2nd Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • Explode
  • BOM_Parent_ID
  • Select Order Line : Associate related product to this service
  • Sales Order Line : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order line.
  • Sales Order : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order.
  • Resource Assignment : The ID identifies a unique record
  • Promotion/Discount : The ability to raise or lower prices.
  • Price Limit : The lowest net price a specified item may be sold for.
  • Invoice Date : The time listed on the invoice.
  • Description Only : if true, the line is just description and no transaction
  • Date Delivered : Date when the product was delivered
  • Currency : An accepted medium of monetary exchange that may vary across countries.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • C_Order_Discount_ID
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.

Discounts and Promotions

View applied Discounts and Promotions for each line.

  • Line No. : A line stating the position of this request in the document.
  • Promotion/Discount : The ability to raise or lower prices.
  • Base Net Unit Price
  • Base Gross Unit Price
  • Discount per Unit
  • Total Amount : Total Amount
  • Displayed Total Amount
  • Sales Order Line : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order line.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • C_Orderline_Offer_ID
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.

Line Tax

For each sales order line, Openbravo automatically populates the line tax related information in this tab.

  • Line No. : A line stating the position of this request in the document.
  • Tax : The percentage of money requested by the government for this specified product or transaction.
  • Taxable Amount : The total sum on which taxes are added.
  • Tax Amount : The total sum of money requested by the government of the specified transaction.
  • Sales Order Line : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order line.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Order Line Tax : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order line tax.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.

Reserved Stock

Relation of reserved stock and prereserved purchase orders related to the Sales Order Line

  • Stock Reservation
  • Storage Bin : A set of coordinates (x, y, z) which help locate an item in a warehouse.
  • Attribute Set Value : An attribute associated with a product as part of an attribute set.
  • Purchase Order Line
  • Vendor
  • Quantity : The number of a certain item.
  • Released
  • Sales Order Line : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order line.
  • Reservation Stock
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • M_Sol_Reserved_Stock_V_ID
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.

Accounting dimension

Accounting Dimension

  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Sales Order Line : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order line.
  • Amount : A monetary sum of two or more quantities.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc.
  • Product : An item produced by a process.
  • Project : Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module.
  • Cost Center : Division that adds to the cost of an organization
  • Asset : An item which is owned and exchangeable for cash.
  • Activity : A distinct activity defined and used in activity based management.
  • Sales Campaign : An advertising effort aimed at increasing sales.
  • 1st Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • 2nd Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • C_Orderline_Acctdimension_ID

Related Services

In this table the 'Service' type product Order Lines related to an Order Line are displayed

  • Document No. : An often automatically generated identifier for all documents.
  • Line No.
  • Product : An item produced by a process.
  • Attribute Set Value : An attribute associated with a product as part of an attribute set.
  • Amount : A monetary total.
  • Quantity : The number of a certain item.

Related Products

In this table the Order Lines related to an Order Line of 'Service' type are added

  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Sales Order Line : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order line.
  • Sales Order Line : Sales Order Line related a another Sales Order Line of 'Service' Type
  • Document No. : An often automatically generated identifier for all documents.
  • Line No. : A line stating the position of this request in the document.
  • Product : An item produced by a process.
  • Attribute Set Value : An attribute associated with a product as part of an attribute set.
  • Amount
  • Quantity : The number of a certain item.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • C_Orderline_Servicerelation_ID

Basic Discounts

Lists information about discounts automatically applied based on the customer configuration and / or manually entered for the sales order.

  • Line No. : A line stating the position of this request in the document.
  • Basic Discount : The percentage price reduction based on the list price.
  • Cascade : Any additional discount built upon the remaining total after applying previous discounts.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Sales Order : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • C_Order_Discount_ID


Edit taxes applied to your order.

  • Line No. : A line stating the position of this request in the document.
  • Tax : The percentage of money requested by the government for this specified product or transaction.
  • Tax Amount : The total sum of money requested by the government of the specified transaction.
  • Taxable Amount : The total sum on which taxes are added.
  • Sales Order : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Order Tax
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.

Payment Plan

Shows the total amount expected to be collected upon order booking as well as the amount/s pre-paid or paid against the invoice/s for the order.

  • Due Date : The date when a specified request must be carried out by.
  • Payment Method : It is the method by which payment is expected to be made or received.
  • Expected Amount : Expected Amount
  • Received
  • Outstanding
  • Last Payment Date : Last Payment Date
  • Number of Payments
  • Currency : An accepted medium of monetary exchange that may vary across countries.
  • Sales Order : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Order Payment In Plan : Set of payments in planned to be collected/paid for an order
  • Invoice : A document listing products, quantities and prices, payment terms, etc.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.

Payment Details

Displays the details of the payments (pre-payments or regular payments) received for the order or for the invoice/s of the order.

  • Payment In : Payment In event
  • Payment Date
  • Due Date : The date when a specified request must be carried out by.
  • Payment Method : It is the method by which payment is expected to be made or received.
  • Payment Method : Displayed Payment Method field in Sales Order Payment Schedule Details tab. For netting payments the value displayed will be empty.
  • Financial Account : Financial account used to deposit / withdrawal money such as bank accounts or petty cash
  • Financial Account : Displayed Financial Account field in Sales Order Payment Schedule Details tab. For netting payments the value displayed will be empty.
  • Expected Amount : Expected Amount
  • Received Amount
  • Write-off Amount : A monetary sum that can be deducted from tax obligations.
  • Currency : An accepted medium of monetary exchange that may vary across countries.
  • Expected (Account Currency) : Expected amount in the financial account currency
  • Received (Account Currency) : Amount received in financial account currency
  • Exchange Rate : Exchange rate used to convert payment to financial account currency
  • Payment No. : Payment Number
  • Finacc_Currency_ID : The currency of the financial account that payment is associated with
  • Canceled
  • Status : A defined state or position of a payment.
  • Payment Detail
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Order Payment In Plan : Set of payments in planned to be collected/paid for an order
  • Order No. : Order Number
  • Invoice No.
  • Invoice Amount : The monetary sum that is invoiced for a specified item or service.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.


Create an obligation for accounting to expect to receive all or part of your sales order amount in advance.

  • Settlement Cancelled : The settlement used to cancel the corresponding payment.
  • Form of Payment : The method used for payment of this transaction.
  • Due Date : The date when a specified request must be carried out by.
  • Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc.
  • Description : A space to write additional related information.
  • Cashbook : A document used to manage all cash transactions.
  • Cash Journal Line : A statement displaying one transaction in the cash journal.
  • Bank Account : A monetary account of funds held in a recognized banking institution.
  • Bank Statement Line : A statement displaying one transaction in the bank statement.
  • Amount : A monetary total.
  • Currency : An accepted medium of monetary exchange that may vary across countries.
  • Write-off Amount : A monetary sum that can be deducted from tax obligations.
  • Initial Status : Status of a payment upon creation.
  • Project : Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module.
  • Receipt : Indicates a sales or purchase transaction.
  • Payment Complete : A confirmation stating whether the request has been closed through a monetary transaction.
  • Valid : A confirmation that something is correct.
  • Sales Order : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order.
  • Payment : A obligation to pay or a right to collect for a specified item or service.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Manual : A task or process completed directly by the user, not automatically by the application.
  • Is Automatic Generated : It is automatically generated
  • Invoice : A document listing products, quantities and prices, payment terms, etc.
  • Generate_Processed : Generate Processed
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Change Debt Payment : Take this Debt/Payment out of the settlement
  • Cancel processed : Cancel processed
  • C_Settlement_Generate_ID : Settlement generate
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.

Replacement Orders

Set of orders replacing a canceled order.

  • Replacement Order : Link to the replacement order. This order is the order that has replaced the current Cancelled order.
  • id
  • Sales Order : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
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