Screenshot:Return Material Receipt

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Return Material Receipt

In this window you receive the material that has been returned from the customer


Create and process a return material receipt

  • Pick/Edit Lines
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Document Type : A value defining what sequence and process setup are used to handle this document.
  • Document No. : An often automatically generated identifier for all documents.
  • Condition of the goods
  • Movement Date : The date that a certain item is moved from one location to another.
  • Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc.
  • Description : A space to write additional related information.
  • Warehouse : The location where products arrive to or are sent from.
  • Partner Address : The location of the selected business partner.
  • Document Status : The Document Status indicates the status of a document at this time.
  • User/Contact : An acquaintance to reach for information related to the business partner.
  • Accounting Date : The date this transaction is recorded for in the general ledger.
  • RM order : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order.
  • Order Date : The time listed on the order.
  • Sales Representative : The person in charge of a document.
  • Process Shipment : Process Shipment (Update Inventory)
  • Posted : An accounting status button that indicates if the transaction has already been posted to the general ledger or not.
  • Delivery Terms : A definition stating when a specific delivery will occur.
  • Delivery Method : The desired means of getting requested goods to a business partner.
  • Freight Amount : The charge amount for a specified shipment.
  • Freight Cost Rule : The calculation method used when charging freight.
  • Shipping Company : The name of the company making the shipment.
  • Priority : A defined level of importance or precedence.
  • Pick Date : Date/Time when picked for Shipment
  • Tracking No : Number to track the shipment
  • Number of Packages : The number of packages being shipped.
  • Movement Type : The type of a certain item being moved from one location to another.
  • Charge : A cost or expense incurred during business activity.
  • Charge Amount : The amount of a cost or expense incurred during business activity.
  • Ship Date : Shipment Date/Time
  • Freight Category : A classification used to help calculate shipping company freight amounts.
  • Calculate Freight Amount : Calculate Freight Amount
  • Freight Currency : Currency of the freight amount.
  • Invoice Status
  • Activity : A distinct activity defined and used in activity based management.
  • Sales Campaign : An advertising effort aimed at increasing sales.
  • Trx Organization : The organization which performs or initiates the transaction.
  • Project : Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module.
  • Cost Center : Division that adds to the cost of an organization
  • 1st Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • 2nd Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • Update Attributes from Shipment : Update attributes from shipment
  • Sales Transaction : An indication that a transfer of goods and money between business partners is occurring.
  • RM receipt : The document number for identifying an act of sending goods.
  • Processed : A confirmation that the associated documents or requests are processed.
  • Process Shipment : Process Shipment (Update Inventory)
  • Print : A reference stating whether or not the document has been printed at any time in the past.
  • Logistic
  • Invoice : A document listing products, quantities and prices, payment terms, etc.
  • Generate Invoice from Receipt : Create and process Invoice from this receipt. The receipt should be correct and completed.
  • Date printed : Date the document was printed.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.


Add or see products which are included in the receipt. Each product is shown on its own line.

  • Line No. : A line stating the position of this request in the document.
  • Product : An item produced by a process.
  • Attribute Set Value : An attribute associated with a product as part of an attribute set.
  • Condition of the goods
  • Operative Quantity : The number of a certain item involved in the transaction, according to the defined Operative UOM.
  • Alternative UOM : A non monetary unit of measure.
  • Movement Quantity : The number of items being moved from one location to another.
  • UOM : A non monetary unit of measure.
  • Storage Bin : A set of coordinates (x, y, z) which help locate an item in a warehouse.
  • Return from Customer line : A unique and often automatically generated identifier for a sales order line.
  • Description : A space to write additional related information.
  • Order UOM : The unit of measure being used for the request.
  • Order Quantity : The number of a certain item involved in the transaction, shown in units which differ from the standard UOM.
  • Description Only : if true, the line is just description and no transaction
  • Project : Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module.
  • Cost Center : Division that adds to the cost of an organization
  • 1st Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • 2nd Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • Re-invoice : An indication that a transaction may be invoiced to a business partner.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Goods Shipment Line : A statement displaying one item, charge, or movement in a shipment.
  • Goods Shipment : The document number for identifying an act of sending goods.
  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.


Accounting information related to the return material receipt

  • Client : Client for this installation.
  • Organization : Organizational entity within client
  • Active : A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.
  • Record ID : An record identifier in the dictionary.
  • General Ledger : The book containing all financial transactions recorded for the legal entity.
  • Currency : An accepted medium of monetary exchange that may vary across countries.
  • Period : A specified time period.
  • Accounting Date : The date this transaction is recorded for in the general ledger.
  • Sequence Number : The order of records in a specified document.
  • Account : The identification code used for accounting.
  • Value : Value of the account used in the entry.
  • Accounting entry Description : Description of the accounting entry
  • Debit : The amount debited to an account, converted to the organization default currency.
  • Credit : The amount credited to an account, converted to the organization default currency.
  • Description : A space to write additional related information.
  • Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc.
  • Product : An item produced by a process.
  • Project : Identifier of a project defined within the Project & Service Management module.
  • Cost Center : Division that adds to the cost of an organization
  • Asset : An item which is owned and exchangeable for cash.
  • 1st Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • 2nd Dimension : A display of optional elements that are previously defined for this account combination.
  • Withholding : Withholding
  • UOM : A non monetary unit of measure.
  • Type : Type of entry (Normal, Closing, Opening, Regularization)
  • Trx Organization : The organization which performs or initiates the transaction.
  • Transaction Date : The date that a specified transaction is entered into the application.
  • Tax : The percentage of money requested by the government for this specified product or transaction.
  • Table : A dictionary table used for this tab that points to the database table.
  • Storage Bin : A set of coordinates (x, y, z) which help locate an item in a warehouse.
  • Sales Region : A defined section of the world where sales efforts will be focused.
  • Sales Campaign : An advertising effort aimed at increasing sales.
  • Record ID 2 : Payment the fact refers to.
  • Quantity : The number of a certain item.
  • Posting Type : A distinct posting amount characteristic used for processes and sometimes grouped within a category.
  • Location to Address : The location where items are sent to.
  • Location from Address : The location where items are sent from.
  • Line ID : Transaction line ID (internal)
  • Group ID : Accounting entry group ID
  • G/L Category : A classification used to group lines in the general ledger.
  • Foreign Currency Debit : The amount debited from the account, given in provider currency.
  • Foreign Currency Credit : The amount credited from the account, given in provider currency.
  • Document Type : A value defining what sequence and process setup are used to handle this document.
  • Document Category : A classification of document types that are shown and processed in the same window.
  • Activity : A distinct activity defined and used in activity based management.
  • Accounting Fact
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